20:30:50 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Trinket: https://trinket.io/ 20:41:13 From Maria to Everyone: https://www.geospatialworld.net/blogs/esri-map-shows-satellites-orbit/...how it works? 20:42:16 From Charlie to Everyone: https://glowscript.org/ 20:55:19 From Kenneth Cecire to Maria(Direct Message): Nineteen? 20:56:16 From Alan Grinsteinner, HS to Everyone: I am going to have to sign off...Charlie if you can let me know for sure on 9 November for Dr. North I will reach back out to him. Same start time...8 pm Eastern. 20:56:36 From Shane Wood to Everyone: bye Alan! 20:56:36 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Thanks Alan! 20:56:40 From Shane Wood to Everyone: thanks! 21:08:05 From Shane Wood to Everyone: (Sorry folks...I had to take call...I'm still (kind-of) here!) 21:14:34 From Maria to Everyone: https://landing.perimeterinstitute.ca/e3t/Ctc/2I+113/cjL-604/VWq5DG6PCk8pVh9G8B52hP-XW1MKd8X4QT3FNN2sc1yZ3q3pBV1-WJV7CgTsRW1JZdGD7mZ1FzW5Mh6qc4yYdgsW5qv6JD8ggdYYW8qYl4p3KvbR4N13--NmxtLc0W3J5tBG5JF1vyTH2sd4LZrmMN8HF_26v8L6dVdjRn03HPWJlW3ftPQ41whbd9N6jKq5ppl4S5W8SkM2H7ftvPcW3GCH693KS7WwW3mzVVT7WdS-rW1Smjx_1Xd9kSW7T_GXh83KNTMW6FJ1H38-yTvmW4zKvtj5Q3_qsW8ccM2M1J20CTW2ythr28D-7S4W7gt2hM51yNJ_Vlb1dV780X5jW3f1s7t5m6B7zN9dbhTPRYGwyVl8mzd3wNhZTN1ydPgj6dBCVN8dN-5qWMP_9W2Plh7X1QqfwPN5TdwDdGmwq1W54kxNW8P7qff31Y81 21:17:02 From Shane Wood to Everyone: bye Jeremy! 21:20:10 From Tim Durkin to Everyone: I have to go. Thank you! Great night!