20:06:38 From Spencer Pasero to Everyone: https://saturdaymorningphysics.fnal.gov/ 20:17:14 From Shane Wood to Everyone: https://quarknet.org/content/resources-cosmic-ray-analyses-online 20:36:21 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Interesting stuff so far: 20:36:37 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: M's fractured arm 20:37:06 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: 9th graders have not been in class since 7th grade 20:37:25 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: E&M modeling 20:37:47 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Particle physics modeling on the way 20:38:18 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Charlie asks students to define "energy" 20:44:41 From Shane Wood to Everyone: Neil deGrasse Tyson...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D05ej8u-gU 20:45:04 From Kenneth Cecire to Everyone: Nicole explains the early universe to which Maria says, "Perfect." 20:47:31 From Charlie Payne to Everyone: https://resources.perimeterinstitute.ca/products/the-expanding-universe?variant=17163100102 21:11:10 From Spencer Pasero to Everyone: I'll be right back <-- and he did come back!