2021 FSU Annual Report

This year we were thankful to gather in person at Florida State University July 28 - 30.  The workshop began with a focus on the g-2 experiment at Fermilab.  Ted Kolberg gave a talk on the experiment and the g-2 measurement's significance in the standard model.  In order to have a better idea of the concept behind g-2, Ted gave a review of angular momentum and precession along with a cool demonstration. Adam Lamee was zoomed in for some quality coding time exploring Google Colaboratory notebooks and python with an emphasis on creating code-laden interactive activities for students to engage in.  Teachers were able to spend time crafting activities pertinent to their own courses. In light of the move to online education, we revisited the DAP to explore some online-friendly activities such as the glowscript based virtual Rolling with Rutherford, a digital version of Shuffling the Particle Deck, and the HTML5 Quark Workbench.  Our group enjoyed an awesome planetarium show on Dark Matter and then focused our time on CMS.  Ted gave an update on CMS, we worked through the Making Tracks II activity from the DAP and also did the W2D2 measurements.  Teachers were also able to share useful tools and ideas during our share-a-thon.

Mentor: Ted Kolberg

Lead Teachers: Jasun Burdick and Jacob Breman

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