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Beginning its 25th year, QuarkNet involves about 100,000 students from 500+ US high schools with opportunities to:
- Analyze real data online.
- Collaborate with teachers and students worldwide.
- Participate in cutting-edge research.
- Visit labs and experiments.
Through inquiry-oriented investigations students will learn about 21st Century physics and how it relates to what they learn in the classroom.
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QuarkNet has ~50 centers in universities and laboratories participating in high-energy physics experiments. Initially, each center includes two mentor physicists and two high school physics teachers.
- Summary of expectations for mentors
- Summary of grant support for centers
We want teachers to gain a deeper understanding of physics content, an appreciation for the machinery of modern science, an introduction to inquiry-based teaching as well as evolution in individual teaching to a more student-centered mode of instruction.
In the first year of a center, lead teachers hold eight-week paid summer research appointments under the mentorship of the local center physicists. With the help of local mentors, they take part in the construction and testing of detector components, create data sets, develop online experiments for students, and help develop classroom detectors.
In succeeding academic years, the teachers extend their research work to the classroom. Also, they work with the physicists to design a research-oriented institute for other area teachers who will join the center in the second year. The center will have ongoing support in following years.
- Summary of program support for teachers
- Summary of expectations for teachers