World Wide Data Day

World Wide Data Day


World Wide Data Day 2024: 14 November, 00:00-23:59 UTC

World Wide Data Day ATLAS CMS Registration

Registration will in now open. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail.

LHC World Wide Data Day is a 24-hour span, midnight-to-midnight UTC, in which students from around the world can analyze data from the Large Hadron Collider and share results via an ongoing, 24 hour videoconference with physicist moderators taking shifts in locations around the world.

Rules for participation

LHC-W2D2 is designed primarily for high school students. Thus

  • Teams can be of any size and should be made up of high school students.
  • Each student team must have an adult supervisor, preferably a physics teacher.
  • Other possible supervisors include physicists or university-level physics students. 
  • University or research laboratory faculty, staff, or students may participate either as supervisors of high school students, advisors/assistants to teachers, or videoconference moderators. 
  • High school students should not register: all registration should be done by teachers or other supervisors as described above for the teams.
  • Unfortunately, no certificates for students, teachers, or others will be available from QuarkNet for World Wide Data Day. Any certificates must be generated and used locally.

What happens

On or before the date above, groups will meet to analyze data using one of the recommended measurements below. All analyses will be of open, public data from the Large Hadron Collider. After data analysis, each group uploads its results at least 30 minutes before the pre-assigned time of their videoconference. Videoconferences are on Zoom unless otherwise specified; they are up to 30 minutes long and consist of up to 5 groups plus moderators. Videoconferences will follow this format:

  • Connection and introductions
  • Discuss results and experiences
  • Summary by moderators
  • Q&A

Get the information and the materials you need

Recommended LHC measurements:


Learn more about the LHC, the detectors, and the physics

Reading materials:


Get the word out

Messages for group leaders from W2D2 Coordination:

  • Memo 0, coming soon



LHC Masterclass Library

Archive from 2023 and earlier: