2023 JHU Workshop Agenda

(click "read more" to see entire page)

We will meet in Bloomberg 462 on Monday morning; 478 for the AM sessions, then return to 462 in the PM. See you then!



Mon 24 July

9:00-9:40 - Jeremy Smith, Hereford HS; Morris Swartz, JHU

Welcome, schedule for week, brief summary of afternoon work

Register for workshop: https://forms.gle/mJy7UQm97GY8ZyVy8

Complete QuarkNet national survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G2V7DCL


9:45-12:45 - Coding Camp AM session 1

(see agenda here)


12:45-1:45 lunch


2:00-3:00 - Jeremy Smith, Hereford HS

"The Standard Model, particle detectors, invariant mass" (slides in PDF)


Various wavefunction visualizations
A 2-photon Higgs candidate event from CMS


The Standard Model



3:00-3:10 - Coffee break


3:15-4:15 - Dr. Bill Blair, JHU

"Latest breathtaking results from JWST"

Bubbles in M74 revealed by JWST
Gravitational lensing in distant galaxy cluster
JWST image of Uranus & rings





Tue 25 July

9:00-12:45 - Coding Camp AM session 2

(see agenda here)


12:45-1:45 lunch


2:00-3:00 - Dr. Marc Kamionkowski, JHU

"Summary of results from pulsar timing array experiments EPTA, NanoGRAV, PPTA"


PTAs use 60 pulsars with stable periods
Gravitational wave distortion of pulse path
Visualization of radio pulses





3:00-3:10 - coffee break


3:15-4:15 - Dr. Maria Peña-Guerrero, STScI

"A conversation about incorporating coding in a science classroom"



The PEP-8 Style Guide alluded to in Maria's talk
Coding workflow for JWST 
Many layers of image processing for JWST











Wed 26 July

9:00-12:45 - Coding Camp AM session 3

(see agenda here)


12:45-1:45 lunch


2:00-3:00 - Dr. Sarah Hörst, JHU

"The Dragonfly Mission"

Artist rendering of Dragonfly landing
Cassini sees evidence of huge hydrocarbon lakes!
Huygens probe found eroded rocks on Titan!



3:00-3:10 - Coffee break


3:15-4:15 - Dr. Andrei Gritsan, JHU 

"The Fifth Force" (slides in PDF)

One of many hypothetical BSM Higgs processes
Schematic of the particles and forces in the SM
Summary of the two Standard Models in physics












Thu 27 July

9:00-12:45 - Coding Camp AM session 4

(see agenda here)


12:45-1:45 lunch


2:00-3:00 - Dr. Ibrahima Bah, JHU

"Gravity, Black Holes, Topological Stars"


3:00-3:10 - Coffee break


3:15-4:15 - Dr. Petar Maksimovic, JHU






Fri 28 July

9:00-10:00 - Dr. Sarah Marie Bruno, JHU



10:00-10:10 - Breakfast/coffee break


10:15 - ?  Dr. Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Study


12:45-2:00 lunch?
