Annual Report for 2022-23

This past year, the Purdue QuarkNet Center has been working on rebuilding. September 2022, we started with an afterschool mini-virtual workshop, “What is QuarkNet.” The next event was a World Wide Data Day workshop on a Saturday in October. 

February 2023 was a busy time. Marla Glover from Purdue teamed up with Ken Cecire from Notre Dame to present “Meeting the Modern Physics Standards for Indiana” at the annual HASTI (Hoosier Science Teachers) Conference. Also, a MasterClass orientation was conducted for a new teacher interested in having her school participate. We welcomed twelve students from the Indiana Academy at Ball State University to Purdue for a CMS MasterClass in March. The Academy is a school for gifted high school students. In April, a presentation was given at the Indiana Section meeting of AAPT, “Using Data Two Ways: TOTEM.”

To finish the year, the Purdue Center hosted a two-day Neutrino workshop facilitated by the Neutrino Fellows Paul Sedita and Rebekah Randall.

We now have three new teachers who have attended workshops and expressed interest in more participation.