ATLAS Masterclass at Notre Dame

March 15, 2019

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Time (ET) Location Activity School(s)
09:00 415 NSH1 Introduction to the day WCHS2
09:15 415 NSH Standard Model Presentation (Dr. Mitchell Wayne) WCHS
10:00 123 NSH Tour of JINA Accelerators WCHS
11:00 415 NSH Prep and Data Analysis  WCHS
12:30 415 NSH Pizza lunch with physicists WCHS
13:15   go to Notre Dame QuarkNet Center WCHS
13:30 NDQNC3 Tour, LHC Film Festival WCHS
14:30 NDQNC Doughnut Break WCHS, MHS4, SJHS5
15:00 NDQNC Physics Discussion of Results WCHS, MHS, SJHS
16:00 NDQNC Videoconference with Fermilab, NIU, Junin de los Andes WCHS, MHS, SJHS

Key to abbreviations:

  1. Niewuland Science Hall
  2. Winamac Community High School
  3. Notre Dame QuarkNet Center
  4. Marian High School
  5. St.6 Joseph High School
  6. Saint.



  1. WCHS students should bring laptops for data analysis with HYPATIA and appropriate data downloaded. See ATLAS measurement page.
  2. Students going on tour of JINA should adhere to JINA Lab Tour Policies. No exceptions.
  3. Students with food allergies or dietary restrictions should bring lunch/snacks. We are not equippend to make accommodations for these.
  4. Best behavior is, of course, expected. 
  5. Teachers should please make sure the above are taken care of.

