BAMC Back-up Results Entry



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Break open in case of emergency!

Please only use this page if you have been directed to do so by your teacher. This page is your back-up in the case of a failure of CIMA. You will have three Google forms to go to again and again to add your results.

Working in iSpy, you will encounter several of each type of event:

  • one-muon - enter it in the one-muon form below and go to the next iSpy event
  • two-muon - enter it in the two-muon form below and go to the next iSpy event
  • four-muon - enter it in the four-muon form below and go to the next iSpy event
  • something else - skip to the next iSpy event.

Yes, you read it right: you go to the form one time per applicable event in iSpy.


Let's go!

Get an event, choose an event!