KU Abstract 2014 - CMS Triggers

Names: Eilish Gibson, Bishop Seabury Academy, Lawrence KS

Connor Sabbert, Olathe Northwest High School, Olathe KS

Killashandra Scheuring, Insight School of Kansas, Olathe KS


Research Teacher Mentor: James Deane, Ottawa High School, Ottawa KS

Research Mentor: Prof. Phil Baringer, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS


Purpose: Our project was to look at different top quark decays to evaluate new triggers for the LHC following its upgrade to ~13 TeV.


Methods: We used simulated 8TeV and 13TeV data that we received in ROOT trees to make histograms and graphs to compare the two energies. We each looked at a different top quark decay type, including the electron, muon, and jet decays.


Results: Our results indicate that the there is not much difference in the energy levels for the same cuts.


Future Work: In the future we hope to look more closely at the affects of the cuts on the data and refine our histograms and graphs.