Summary of Expectations for Mentors

All Years

Mentors shall be responsible for...

  • Annual budgets, MOUs, and end-of-year reports for their centers.
  • Coordination with QuarkNet staff.
  • Providing information for program evaluation.

Year 1

Mentors shall be responsible for...

  • Recruiting two lead teachers.
  • Mentoring lead teacher for an eight-week summer research appointment.
  • Working with the lead teachers to plan a year-2 three-week local institute for the assoicate teachers.
  • Working with the lead teachers to recruit year-2 teachers.

Year 2

During the second year on average five new teachers will join each group bringing the total to seven at each Center. Mentors shall be responsible for...

  • Working with the lead teachers to offer the year-2 institute.
  • Planning with the teachers how they will continue the collaboration. For example, this could mean regular network meetings during the school year or it might mean getting together each summer.

Years 3+

Beyond the second year, mentors shall be responsible for...

  • Sharing responsibilities for organizing 30 teacher-days of QuarkNet collaboration meetings (These could range from a one-week workshop to academic-year, evening meetings.).
  • Attending QuarkNet collaboration meetings.
  • Nominating teachers for Data Camp and informing teachers of other opportunities.