Spotlight on the SCIPP University of California Santa Cruz QuarkNet Center
SCIPP is the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, the particle physics research institute at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Their main work in QuarkNet in the past few years has been to run great ATLAS masterclasses. The "SCIPP center" is headed up by mentor Jason Nielsen and administrator Vicki Johnson. Teachers in the group participate in many ways, including those masterclasses. Last November, SCIPP center teacher Jonathan Rockman lead his students in World Wide Data Day.

News from QuarkNet Central
Mentors, the 2019 RFP form is due today; it was e-mailed to you on Friday, January 18. If you have filled out your form, bravo! If not, learn what to do by going to the text of the e-mail. The information and links are there and you can still make it.
Teachers, applications for 2019 CERN summer programs are now closed. If your recommendation has not been sent, you can still get it to us by Monday.
Is your group registered for International Masterclasses? Orientations and updates begin next week, so sign up for that masterclass and orientations/updates as soon as you can. If you have not started the process, this is crunch time. Contact Ken and he can help you through the process. Also, you can check the latest IMC circular, just out today.
Physics Experiment Roundup
Machine physics collides with art: CERN Bulletin reports on a new small-scale accelerator for examination of paintings and more. And symmetry has articles on robots at CERN and recycling, experimental particle physics style. Fermilab sets an AI speed record.
Learn about the history of SLAC from old movies in symmetry. Go ahead and watch all 22 miunutes of The Worlds Within on YouTube.
Just for Frozen Fun
This was polar vortex week. In the northern U.S., it was cold enough outdoors that you could cryo spilled milk. A school superintendant and a high school principal in Swartz Creek MI warned students to stay home and warm with this viral snow day video. And what can you do on a snow day? The cold inspired this New York Times writer outside Chicago to try some experiments; perhaps you can too before the temperature climbs up above 0o C again. Or you can stay indoors and make a periodic table from 200,000 small knots, as explained in Make: Magazine (hat tip to Ana Prieto, friend of QuarkNet in Junin de los Andes, Argentina, where it is, ironically, the middle of summer). Then there is TV, with super (a)symmetry from Big Bang Theory.
QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: