Friday Flyer - March 10, 2017

Spotlight on the Kansas State University QuarkNet Center: Located in "The Little Apple" (Manhattan, KS), the center is very active serving primarily teachers from rural Kansas. In March 2016, the center hosted a masterclass for 8 teachers and 27 students, with one more teacher and 18 tudents joining from a high school location. In addition to learning about the Standard Model and analyzing data, students toured the KSU nuclear reactor and participated in a hands-on demo show. In August 2016, thirteen teachers took part in the summer workshop, working with cosmic ray detectors, the Cosmic Ray e-Lab, and CMS e-Lab. Looking ahead to summer 2017, they plan to visit the LIGO detector in Louisiana for a tour and workshop. 

News from QuarkNet Central: 

International Muon Week 2017 is NEXT WEEK! If you have a cosmic ray detector, find out whether muon rates are the same all over the world. Collect data with us during International Muon Week, March 1317, 2017. Check out the registration link and the detector set-up instructions. Videoconferences through Fermilab will be scheduled for the week after taking data so that you can discuss your results with other groups. Help is available in the Cosmic Ray e-Lab at the Help Desk (life ring). Contact Mark with any questions.


International Masterclasses 2017 are here! Fermilab-connected masterclasses start tomorrow (March 11), while masterclasses with a CERN videoconference continue, now in their second week. Be sure to check out how masterclasses are going via Twitter and Facebook


Physics Experiment Roundup: How do you transport 70,000 tons of liquid argon a mile underground? Engineers at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) have a couple of ideas in mind. Learn more about the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment, also to be located a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. 

Resources: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . . a supermassive black hole enjoys feasting on a single star . . . .for much longer than "normal!" Meanwhile, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope informs us about our "local" black hole's last meal. Have you seen symmetry's "ABCs of Particle Physics" yet? If not, it's worth checking out!

Just for Fun: Hear about the Monkee who recently paid a visit to Fermilab?

QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: