Friday Flyer - March 24, 2017

Spotlight on the University of Oregon QuarkNet Center: Located in Eugene, the center hosted its 15th summer QuarkNet workshop in 2016. With LIGO's recent gravitational wave discoveries, the workshop focused primarily on this topic, giving teachers the chance to learn what is known about these waves, what might be learned in the future, and what similarities and differences exist between gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves. The workshop also gave teachers the opportunity to learn about LHC updates and provided time for teachers to share "cool projects," instructional ideas.

News from QuarkNet Central: International Muon Week 2017 wrapped up last week, with 47 sites participating in 10 countries. Participants continue to upload data to the e-Lab, and some groups were able to discuss results with Mark Adams this week via videoconference. As International Masterclasses 2017 continue, be sure to check out the action on Twitter and Facebook

Physics Experiment Roundup: The NOvA experiment recently observed its first antineutrino at its far detector in northern Minnesota within a couple hours of the Fermilab accelerator complex switching to antineutrino delivery mode. The CMS detector at CERN gets an upgrade this month. 


Resources: If an atom of anti-hydrogen annihilated in the room you currently occupy, would you notice? Could the strong glow of gamma rays in our neighboring galaxy signal the presence of dark matter? Learn more in symmetry's Q&A with astrophysicists Eric Charles and Mattia Di Mauro.

Just for Fun: Happy spring! With the arrival of spring this week, what better way to celebrate the new season than by watching this 12-second time-lapse video from NASA, demonstrating the reason for the changing seasons. 

QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: