Friday Flyer - May 26, 2017

This is the last Friday Flyer of the 201617 academic year. We will pick it up again in September 2017. Have a great summer!

Spotlight on Summer 2017: Want it promised to be a big summer for QuarkNet? Centers will do just about every sort of data-based workshop we offer (check out the schedule), and it is still possible to schedule more (e-mail a staff member). The crescendo will come in August: first with a test run of the new MINERvA masterclass at Fermilab in connection with the DPF meeting, and then with the Solar Eclipse Cosmic Ray Project.

News from QuarkNet Central: Is your cosmic ray detector in need of some repair? Now is the time to get your detector up and running in preparation for summer workshops and for this summer's Solar Eclipse Cosmic Ray Project. Contact Dave Hoppert or Mark Adams to get the repair process going. Do this soon to beat the rush!

Physics Experiment Roundup: The LHC is ready to start a new season: it is running and should be up to full luminosity in a few weeks. Bubble chambers are back with one going strong in the PICO dark matter experiment at Fermilab. The MINERvA neutrino experiment—soon to feature in a masterclass!—finds some complications in the weak interaction between neutrinos and nucleons.

Resources: We are all about LHC 2017 with short videos: one a 2π panorama from BBC and the other a take on how the LHC works. And to get going for the eclipse this August, watch this video from UA Little Rock.

Just for Fun: xkcd, xkcd, and xkcd. And for a little geekdom, a modernized trailer and, even better, a classicized trailer for The Empire Strikes Back.

QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: