g-2 Experiment Tutorial


The Muon g-2 experiment measures the magnetic moment of the muon with high precision. The results are, well, interesting. 


Images courtesy of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,


Workshop Tutorial for Teachers

Divide into three groups. Each group is assigned to find answers for the Foundation Question plus one of the three Group questions. Each group presents to the other groups what they have learned.


Foundation Question for all 3 groups:  What do we mean by g-2? (Hint: It is not 7.81 m/s2.)


Group Questions (one per group):

  1. Briefly describe the g-2 experiment and its history.
  2. Dirac calculated the value of g-2 for the muon be 0. Why, according to particle physics, should it be that g-2 > 0?
  3. What is the current measured value of g-2 and why is it significant?

Each group reports out their findings.




Probing Deeper: