Notre Dame - Masterclasses Across the Pacific Work Document

This documeent is to track the latest plans for the Notre Dame - Masterclasses Across the Pacific (ND-MAP) proposal to Notre Dame International (NDI).



Proposed dates: January 3-14, 2019; if needed and if the budget allows, we may add extra days in the Jan 25-Feb 1 interval


Tentative Schedule (incomplete)

Date Activity

Friday January 03

Sunday January 05

Monday January 06

Wednesday January 08

Thursday January 09

Friday January 10

Saturday January 11

Sunday January 12

Monday January 13

Tuesday January 14

Wednesday January 15

ND team assembles in Taipei

CMS Masterclass Workshop at National Central University

CMS collaborative work at National Central University

collaborative work in Japan

collaborative work in Japan

ND team assembles in Hong Kong, visits Chinese University

ATLAS Masterclass Workshop at Hong Kong International School

cosmic ray collaboration in Tokyo

Belle II masterclass workshop in Tokyo

cosmic ray collaboration at Macao Science Center

ND team returns to U.S.


    Planned Activities (subject to change):

    Hong Kong and Macao (2 days)

    • ATLAS Masterclass Workshop, Hong Kong International School
    • Cosmic Ray Research Workshop, Macao Science Center

    Japan (4 days)

    • Meetings, school visits
    • Cosmic Ray Research Workshop
    • Belle II Masterclass Workshop

    Korea (2 days)

    • CMS collaborative work
    • CMS Masterclass Workshop

    Taiwan (2 days)

    • CMS Masterclass Workshop
    • CMS collaborative work

    Vietnam (2 days)

    • meetings and physics seminar, Hanoi
    • CMS Masterclass Workshop, Concordia International School - Hanoi

    Proposal Objectives:


    • Masterclass Workshops - prep teachers and physicists to participate in International Masterclasses
    • Cosmic Ray Research Workshops - Explore cosmic ray studies with teachers and students


    • Cosmology (Quynh Lan Nguyen) - present research, discuss pathways to collaboration
    • CMS (Cecire, others) - present Notre Dame CMS efforts, discuss any pathways to collaboration
    • Cosmic Ray Research Workshops (Cecire, others) - work on collaborative cosmic ray investigations with QuarkNet, other detector systems using the breadth of locations in Asia plus US, Chile, Mexico, other places.
    • Videocon seminars with Notre Dame - connect with Notre Dame physicists, exchange research presentations, discuss ideas