Hi All,
After some back and forth with Ken Cecire regarding the summer meeting + stipends, we've decided that a shorter summer meeting is in order. We are going to do 1 day - 6 hours - of meeting time, including offline data analysis. Our hours of participation throughout the academic year will be totaled and counted towards your participation and stipends.
Fill out the linked Google form with the following information (or send via email if that is your preference)
Questions (if you prefer email)
- What dates would be best for you to meet for a videoconference?
- What dates definitely will not work?
- Are you participating in another professional development opportunity this summer that would make for a good short talk to share with the rest of us? (i.e. Mike Wadness is attending Step Up 4 Women, several teachers are heading to CERN, Jim is attending AAS, Marteen is going to DataCamp at Fermilab, etc.)
- Are there skills or activities that you would like to focus on (Masterclass - CMS or iSpy? Cosmic Ray Detectors? Something else?)
- Suggestions for guest speakers?
- Questions, Suggestions, Preferences, or Goofy Jokes? Always welcome!
As always, it is a privilege to hear your good ideas, and how the ideas develop when we work together.