Summary of Expectations for Teachers

Lead Teachers

Year 1

At each Center during the first year two teachers will join the project. Their responsibilities include:

  • Holding an eight-week summer research appointment.
  • Trying some activities based on the summer research or the Data Activities Portfolio with students during the school year.
  • Working with the mentors to plan a year-2 three-week local institute for the associate teachers.
  • Working with the mentors to recruit year-2 teachers.

Year 2

During the second year on average five new teachers will join each group bringing the total to seven at each Center. Their responsibilities include:

  • Working with the mentors to offer the year-2 institute.
  • Planning with the mentors and the associate teachers how they will continue the collaboration for 30 teacher-days during the year. For example, this could mean regular network meetings during the school year or it might mean getting together each summer over several days.
  • Incorporating QuarkNet activities in the curriculum. This does not require teaching a particle physics unit. It does mean using examples from particle physics to enhance topics already taught, such as the activites found in the Data Activities Portfolio.

Years 3+

Beyond the second year responsibilities include:

  • Sharing responsibilities for organizing and attending QuarkNet center collaboration meetings.
  • Incorporating QuarkNet activities in the curriculum. This does not require teaching a particle physics unit. It does mean using examples from particle physics to enhance topics already taught, such as the activites found in the Data Activities Portfolio.

Associate Teachers

Year 2

During the second year on average five new teachers will join each group bringing the total to seven at each Center. Their responsibilities include:

  • Attending the year-2 institute.
  • Planning with the mentors and lead teachers how they will continue the collaboration for the year 3+ program. For example, this could mean regular network meetings during the school year or it might mean getting together each summer.
  • Incorporating QuarkNet activities in the curriculum. This does not require teaching a particle physics unit. It does mean using examples from particle physics to enhance topics already taught, such as the activites found in the Data Activities Portfolio.

Years 3+

Beyond the second year include:

  • Sharing responsibilities for organizing and attending QuarkNet center collaboration meetings.
  • Incorporating QuarkNet activities in the curriculum. This does not require teaching a particle physics unit. It does mean using examples from particle physics to enhance topics already taught, such as the activites found in the Data Activities Portfolio.

All Teachers

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a principal funder of QuarkNet and as part of this funding an external evaluation of the program is required. Supplying this information is critical to the program and may be essential to continuing its funding. All data reported to NSF are anonymous unless we have written consent otherwise. All teachers responsibilities include:

  • Completing the teacher survey once over the five years of the grant.
  • Reviewing and updating as needed their database information.
  • Providing center-level information on participation and engagement.
  • Participating in the development and collection of classroom implementation plans.