Summary of Grant Support for Centers

QuarkNet is funded on a cost-sharing basis. The national collaboration has grants that support common costs. However, the grants do NOT provide all program costs. Centers will need to seek support from other sources for some local costs.

Funders include the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and participating research groups and experiments.

Year 1

At each center during the first year two teachers will join the project. Grant support includes approximately $10,000 per teacher:

  • Research appointment stipends - $600 per week for eight weeks
  • Travel and subsistence to attend one-week session at Fermilab and for teachers who work away from home (can include trips to CERN or FERMILAB for beam-tests, etc.)
    • Up to $1,000 total for travel
    • Up to $500 per week for room and board

Year 2

During the second year on average five new teachers will join each group bringing the total to seven at each center. Grant support includes $1,800 per teacher:

  • Staff development stipend - $600 per week for up to three weeks

Years 3+

Teacher support beyond the second year includes:

  • Staff development stipend - $120 per day for up to one week


If unobligated funds remain after the summer in a given year, we can support any of the following:

  • Time spent beyond 3.5 days by lead teachers during the school year planning year-2 institutes.
  • Travel/room and board to attend QuarkNet activities. e.g.:
    • Reunions held concurrently with American Association of Physics Teacher meetings.
    • A weekend meeting at Fermilab (may interest associate teachers and others that may not have seen the facilities.)
  • Equipment and supplies for teachers' use in program or for classroom transfer activities.

We will notify Centers as soon as possible should these funds become available.