Year 1 - At each center during the first year two teachers will join the project. Grant support includes approximately $10,000 per teacher:
- Research appointment stipends - $600 per week for eight weeks
- Travel and subsistence to attend one-week session at Fermilab and for teachers who work away from home (can include trips to CERN or FERMILAB for beam-tests, etc.)
- Up to $1,000 total for travel
- Up to $500 per week for room and board
Year 2 - During the second year on average five new teachers will join each group bringing the total to seven at each center. Grant support includes $1,800 per teacher:
- Staff development stipend - $600 per week for up to three weeks
Years 3+ - Teacher support beyond the second year includes:
- Staff development stipend - $120 per day for up to one week
Other - If unobligated funds remain after the summer in a given year, we can support any of the following:
- Time spent beyond 3.5 days by lead teachers during the school year planning year-2 institutes.
- Travel/room and board to attend QuarkNet activities. e.g.:
- Reunions held concurrently with American Association of Physics Teacher meetings.
- A weekend meeting at Fermilab (may interest associate teachers and others that may not have seen the facilities.)
- Equipment and supplies for teachers' use in program or for classroom transfer activities.
We will notify Centers as soon as possible should these funds become available. |
Graduate Credit - QuarkNet arranges optional graduate credit. Details will be available each year. |