U of M Virtual Masterclass 2021

Neutrino Masterclass: MINERvA Analysis
Small URL: https://tinyurl.com/mnmc2021
Saturday, March 6, 2021
If you're asked for a passcode, use 404737.
09:00 Welcome, Sign-In & Ice Breaker (Shane will complete attendance summary)
09:15 Introductory Talk (Small Particle, Big Detectors, Andy Furmanski)
09:45 Q&A, Break
10:00 Tour and Q&A: NOvA detector and mock-up of a DUNE component
10:30 Analysis Talk (Greg & Shane)
11:15 Data Analysis - MINERvA
Spreadsheet - Be sure to go to the MINNEAPOLIS tab.
"Cheat Sheet" - Help is available...return to main room or use "raise hand" feature in Zoom.
12:00 Lunch/Break
13:00 Local discussion of Minnesota results, Q&A
- Break out room - MN data & questions
13:45 Break; set up for videoconference
14:00 **FNAL VIDEO CONFERENCE** (connect with Zoom)
Connect to Fermilab Zoom webinar - this webinar is ONLY for 2:00-2:30 PM
Passcode for 2:00-2:30 PM Webinar: 015294
~14:30 End of day
- Greg Pawloski, University of Minnesota
- Shane Wood, QuarkNet National Staff