2014 Annual Report - UPRM

The UPRM group met for three small workshops in the 2014 QuarkNet year. The first of these was October 19-20, 2013, when they worked with cosmic ray detectors and the e-Lab. QuarkNet staff member Kenneth Cecire helped to facilitate and also visited two schools. Problems were found with the detectors and these are scheduled to be returned to Fermilab for repair. They held a workshop for Masterclass Orientation on March 15, 2014 and then had a successful CMS Masterclass and videoconference on April 5. Mentor Hector Mendez facilitated along with visiting particle physicist Sudhir Malik from Fermilab; QuarkNet teacher Daniel Gutierrez gave a presentation to the students on CMS data analysis.

The UPRM QuarkNet group continues to be large and enthusiastic with interest from teachers across the island. In summer 2014, Sudahir Malik joined the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez  Department of Physics and became a mentor for the QuarkNet center along with Hector Mendez. 

UPRM participating in the 2014 Masterclass videoconference
with Universidad de San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador,
Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, and Fermilab.
The combined results of the three groups
can be seen at the top. The University of
Puerto Rico masterclass institute can be seen at
the lower left, marked "RUM" (Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez).