VQN Summer Workshop 2017: Brookhaven National Laboratory
Participating teachers will:
- Be able to complete Masterclass prep activities on their own.
- Be able to implement Masterclass prep activities in their classroom.
- Be able to complete the Masterclass excercises.
- Be able to develop a plan for how to implement the Masterclass with their students.
Enduring Understandings from the Masterclass
These are points we want students to remember long after the masterclass.
- Particle physics research requires the use of indirect evidence to support claims.
- The Standard Model is the current theoretical framework for our understanding of matter.
- The behavior of particles is governed by conservation laws and mass-energy conversion.
Student Masterclass Learning Objectives
These are things we want students to be able to do as a result of the masterclass.
After the masterclass activity students will be able to:
- Explain that a general-purpose collider detector is made of a number of subsystems and describe what they are designed to measure.
- Express an increased appreciation for the nature of scientific investigation.
- Describe features of the Standard Model—which particles are which and how they relate to one another.
- Identify specific particles and their decays by their signatures.
- Give examples of how hadrons or force carriers can decay into different types of leptons.
- Describe/show how conservation laws, behavior of particles in a magnetic field and energy-mass conversion apply to particle physics.
- Give examples of conservation of charge in particle decays.
Meeting Room: 2-84 Physic Department
Mon Aug 78:00 AM Depart Hotel 8:30 AM Objectives and Business Mentor Physics Update 9:15 AM Masterclass Prep Activities 12:00 PM Lunch at Berkner Hall With BNL QuarkNet 2pm CMS Seminar: Large Seminar Room James Hirschauer, FNAL 4pm Visit to Tesla future Museum Site (Rich Gearns) 6pm Dinner at Phil’s. http://www.philsrestaurant.com/ (not far from Tesla site) |
Tues Aug 88:00 AM Depart Hotel 8:30 Refelctions from prep activities 8:45 Introduction to CMS Data Analysis 9:15 CMS Data Analysis 9:45 Discuss Results 10:00 Reflections 10:15 Introduction to ATLAS Data Analysis 10:45 ATLAS Data Analysis 11:15 Discuss Results 11:30 Reflections 11:45 Discuss Implementation Models Lunch LSST presentation by Steve Bellavia (2pm) The ATLAS Detector (Helio) |
Wed Aug 88:00 AM Depart Hotel 8:30 AM Cosmic Ray Experiment - hardware and Analysis 10:00 AM - Tour of STAR Experiment |
Teacher Implementation Survey
Participant Satisfaction Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NV726DM - http://tiny.cc/qnps17