2025 KSU MC Orientation Workshop
Saturday February 22, 2025, 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Cardwell Hall, Room 224, Zoom: https://notredame.zoom.us/my/swood5
Small URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/orientksu25
8:45 Introductions, sign-in, registration
8:55 Tim Bolton: K-State Physics
9:05 Tim Bolton: NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance (NOvA) Experiment
9:35 Break
9:45 Begin Masterclass Measurement Review
Neutrino "Film Festival"
- How to make a beam of neutrinos - Symmetry (1'45")
AND - How do we study neutrino oscillation? - Even Bananas (6'51")
OR - How do neutrino oscillations work? - Even Bananas (7'55")
NOvA Masterclass Measurement - Part 1: Far Detector Analysis
- NOvA Masterclass Cheat Sheet
- Far Detector Analysis:
- NOvA Overview & Background - Slides 1-10
- NOvA Far Detector, Charged Current (CC)/NuMu - Slides 11-16
- CC(NuMu) Images - link to 6 events <-- MEASURE
- CC(NuMu) Report Track Lengths - link<-- RECORD
- Results of Track Reporting Form - link <-- VIEW
- NOvA Far Detector, Neutral Current (NC) - Slides 17-20
- NC Images - link to 40 events <-- MEASURE
- NC Report Track Lengths - link<-- RECORD
- Results of Track Reporting Form - link <-- VIEW
- Discussion: What is our (imperfect) cutoff length that we will use to separate likely CC(NuMu) events from NC events?
- NOvA Overview & Background - Slides 1-10
10:50 BREAK
11:00 Finish Masterclass Measurement Review
NOvA Masterclass Measurement - Part 2: Near Detector Analysis
- Near Detector Analysis:
- NOvA Near Detector - Slides 23-24
- Python Near Event Analysis - Link to Student Version Using Colaboratory (Or...Alternative to Colaboratory)
- Do a File --> Save a copy in Drive
- Github link - to access Near Detector data
- Discussion: Compare ratios of CC(NuMu) to NC events at the far detector vs. the near detector. Do we see evidence of neutrino osciallation? What is your reasoning?
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Penny Blue & Shane Wood: Preparing Your Students for Masterclass Day
2:00 Masterclass Logistics
- Build Schedule for the Masterclass Day
- Assign Tasks
- Check Zoom
3:00 Conclusion
Link to free cloud chambers