Friday Flyer - May 29, 2015

Spotlight on Summer 2015: Summer is upon us, and starting next week, the Friday Flyer will be on hiatus until September, unless we run a special edition. (Who knows what discoveries are around the corner?) June through August will be a busy time for QuarkNet. There will be, at latest count, 30 QuarkNet workshops, a Data Camp at Fermilab, AAPT, and QuarkNet teachers participating in CERN-HST and Inspiring Science in Greece. And even this does not capture all that is going on. So: have a great summer and, if you are involved in something interesting, send your favorite staff member a line about it—it may show up the the Flyer this fall!

News from QuarkNet Central: On the e-mail front, it looks like we will not have an official address for Shane Wood until next week. We will alert everyone once we know what it is. This just in! We will have a QuarkNet gathering on High School Physics Teacher Day, Monday July 27, at the AAPT Summer Meeting in College Park. If you're attending AAPT this summer, drop Ken a line. Finally, an i2u2 note: The i2u2 servers will be down for the entire workday this coming  Monday June 1. 

Physics Experiment Roundup: Recent experiments probe quantum weirdness and what the state of helium is. Other small experiments are aiming at big particle physics results.

Resources: This article on magnets and particle physics by Jim Pivarksi first appeared in Fermilab Today. Here we use the URL from Jim's blog, Coffeeshop Physics, which has fun reads and great resources on particle physics; pay special attention to CMS Results and Physics in a Nutshell.

Just for Fun: Here are eight things to know about the LHC in Run II. And some of us just never get tired of this Higgs bump animation from Run I.


QuarkNet Staff Teachers:
Ken Cecire:
Bob Peterson:
Shane Wood:

We hope to see you at a QuarkNet workshop soon! Have a great summer!