Friday Flyer - November 28, 2014
Spotlight on Emily Creager: From Masterclass Student to Masterclass Organizer
Two years ago, Emily Creager participated in a CMS masterclass at the College of William and Mary. She took to it and to particle physics with enthusiasm. Fast forward to November 14 this year at the University of Arizona. Fellow Dave Trapp who happened to be in town picks up the story. "I’m very pleased to report that I spent the entire session with Emily and the local high school group. I understand Emily experienced masterclass as a student with Mike Fetsko and hoped to set up a similar ATLAS experience for 14 high school students visiting UA for the day. She did a superb job . . . she sought and obtained permission, facilities and some financing from Wօmen in Science and Engineering, arranged superb and appropriate talks and tours and a video conference with ANL." Emily has already set her sights on the future: "The students seemed to respond favorably to the masterclass and the surveys are all quite positive, so I hope to run another one in the spring . . . I am currently researching and visiting graduate schools to pursue a Ph.D. in physics, but I hope to continue outreach efforts even during my graduate studies." Great work, Emily!
Physics Experiment Roundup: CERN makes public first data of LHC experiments. If you take a look, you will see lots of data for CMS compared to the other experiments. QuarkNet's own Ken Cecire and Tom McCauley were instrumental in pushing CMS data release for masterclasses and the e-Lab. Tom has worked hard to make this open data release a reality. Thanks Tom!
Resources: Seeking the source of cosmic rays - from The New Yorker
Just for Fun: The physics of mosh pits - from
QuarkNet Staff Teachers:
Ken Cecire:
Tom Jordan:
Bob Peterson: