Friday Flyer - October 3, 2014

Spotlight on Florida State: Florida State University is one of 12 centers that has been involved in QuarkNet since the very beginning: 1999. The teachers have worked each summer with Horst Wahl (FSU physicist on CMS), Brian McClain and Adam LaMee (high school teachers) and others. There were 16 teachers at the workshop this summer. Two FSU physicists gave talks about the discovery and importance of the Higgs. The teachers toured the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and a campus facility for medical radiation. The teachers also worked through five different Data Portfolio activities including inspecting CMS events to determine the w+/w- production ratio in CMS. Teachers in the group continue to meet informally at monthly gatherings at a host high school.

News from QuarkNet Central: University of Wisconsin QuarkNet mentor Justin Vandenbroucke has been working with smart phones to detect cosmic rays. And there is a new post for QuarkNet an der Elbe, right under the Friday Flyer in the At Work section of the QuarkNet site. 

Resources: We have some random-but-nifty stuff this week.
Marie Curie's notebook is still hot stuff. Find out how at
You know c is for chocolate. Well, here, chocolate is for c:
Build quantum intuition. Look at

Just for Fun: One of the results of Science Hack Day in San Francisco was the new "LHC in your neighborhood" site by Nathan Bergey, who hacked it together in about two hours. You can get a map of anywhere with the LHC (or Tevatron) ring superimposed. It gives a good local sense of the scale of the machine. Try it! Put in your address (or any other) at

This was tweeted to us and is just plain enjoyable physics:

QuarkNet Staff Teachers:
Ken Cecire,
Tom Jordan,
Bob Peterson,