SST 2024: Session 4 Links, Materials, Assignment

Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC

July 16, 2024

7:30pm - 9:30pm Eastern time

Learning objectives:

In this lecture, we will discuss how physicists use the LHC to search for evidence of new physics. We will briefly talk about prospects for future colliders after the LHC.


The slides from session 4 can be found here. The chat transcript is here.


A recording of the course can be found here.


Homework assignment (due July 16):

A. Look up a recent CMS or ATLAS result that you find interesting. Add a slide to the class Google slides (link sent via email) to share in breakout groups next session.  

ATLAS results:  

CMS results: 


Questions to answer in your slide:

  • What was the goal of this analysis and why is it significant? Is this a search for new physics or a precision measurement of a predicted Standard Model result?
  • What particles were used in the analysis? Does the summary describe the methods or challenges of this analysis?
  • What is the result? 

B. Read Gizmodo article about the importance of “finding nothing”:

C. Fill out the weekly course survey (link sent via email). Note that this step is required every week in order to self-report the number of hours spent so we can give you professional development credit. 

The homework should take approximately one hour to complete. If you finish before one hour, then feel free to explore the additional resources below. If you cannot finish the assignment in one hour, then feel free to stop halfway through. 


Additional resources