SST 2024: Session 5 Links, Materials, Assignment

Neutrino Physics

July 23, 2024

7:30pm - 9:30pm Eastern time

Learning objectives:

In this lecture, we will discuss the big questions and big experiments in neutrino physics. 


The slides from this session can be found here and the chat transcript is here.


A recording of the course can be found here.


Homework assignment (due July 23):

A. Read this overview article about neutrino physics in the US:


B. Watch the following (5 minute) video to investigate how a compound pendulum can be used to understand neutrino oscillations and be prepared to discuss:


Bonus points if you decide to build your own coupled pendulum: 


C. Do the Signal and Noise activity from the QuarkNet data portfolio:

Start with the student guide, and write down your answers somewhere.

Example answers can be found in the teacher's guide to this activity.

D. Fill out the weekly course survey (link sent via email). Note that this step is required every week in order to self-report the number of hours spent so we can give you professional development credit. 

The homework should take approximately one hour to complete. If you finish before one hour, then feel free to explore the additional resources below. If you cannot finish the assignment in one hour, then feel free to stop halfway through. 


Additional resources 


Current experiments:


Classroom activity: