2022 Coding Camp 1

2022 Coding Camp 1

We’ll post agenda and details here as they develop. Looking forward to seeing you all. - Adam


Where: Adam's Zoom

Dates: Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17


Time Zone

Session 1


Session 2

Eastern & Atlantic

















(don’t even)


QuarkNet Coding Fellows

Adam LaMee, Lead Coding Fellow, (Univ. of Central FL)

Danelix Cordero-Rosario (Univ of Puerto Rico Mayaguez)

Chris Dimenna (Johns Hopkins Univ)

Joy Breman (Florida State Univ)

Peter Apps (Rochester)

Tiffany Coke (Univ. of Hawaii)

Tracie Schroeder (Kansas)



QuarkNet Center

Alan Grinsteinner

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Amber Morgan


Amy Eardley


Caitlin Bordeaux

SURF/Black Hills State

Carol Burns

University of Cincinnati

Cherie Bornhorst

Colorado State University

Christopher Hatten


Dave Baran


David Bates

UC Riverside

Eric Apfel


George Moore


Gregory Alley


Jason Williamson

Rice University

Jennifer Santana


Joe Fehr

Virginia Center

Jordan Edwards

Virginia Tech

Kayla Mitchell

University of New Mexico

Keith Marshall

Catholic University of America

Leslie Davis


Mark Hermano


Marteen Nolan


Megan Alvord


Megan Noel


Nick Vanderpool


Paula Carlson

University of Iowa

Renee Teague


Robert Baker


Rob Sullivan

Rice University

Shelley Bullard


Stan Cutler


Tiffany Madison

University of Illinois

Vandana Raghuvanshi


Veronica Monte


Yesenia Torres


Zach Beam

Black Hills

Before Camp

Here’s the Invitation letter with the original advert.

  • Tech stuff
    • You’ll need a device with a mic and camera that can run Zoom 
    • You’ll also need a desktop, laptop, or Chromebook for the coding activities logged into a Google account that isn’t linked to your school account (there may be school restrictions that cause problems). Test your setup by doing some (or all) of this Intro coding activity. If you have trouble with that, let Adam know (email above) and we’ll get you sorted out.
    • Tablets and iPads aren’t great for the coding activities we’re doing. If you needed, you could Zoom with a tablet and do the coding parts on another computer (without mic & camera), but it’s way easier if you’re doing it all on the same device.
    • Need to buy a better router, modem, headphones, cheap Chromebook, upgraded laptop? We’ll reimburse up to $250 of approved purchases to help you work virtually. Save your receipts to submit at the end of camp. Note: teachers funded by the South Big Data Hub have a larger stipend and no reimbursements.
  • Studying up
    • You 100% don’t need to read or study at all before the camp. But if you’re itching to get started, see the “Resources” section at the end of this page for ways to spend your time while you’re avoiding other stuff around the house.
  • Money and grad credit
    • $500 stipend for completing the week
    • 3 graduate-level science education course credit through University of St. Francis (~$300 total, details coming soon)
  • Questions? Email Adam at adamlamee@gmail.com

Workshop Goals

  1. Review and reteach core concepts of particle physics, such as the framework of the Standard Model, the anatomy of a particle accelerator and detector, and the methods for calculating invariant mass from 4-vector data.
  2. Review and apply basic aspects of computer programming in Python, such as conditionals, math functions and plotting, and file manipulation.
  3. Use simple programming tools to analyze large datasets generated from the CMS experiment in the 2010 and 2011 runs, and run analyses of these data. Generate conclusions about these analyses that include both calculations and plots (e.g. of invariant or transverse mass).
  4. Search for new scientific datasets available online and write code to perform analyses of these new data.
  5. Design a series of code-centered activities that either add onto existing units in a high school physics course, or replace an already existing activity; create a plan for implementation of these activities.

QuarkNet Enduring Understandings

  1. Claims are made based on data that constitute the evidence for the claim.
  2. Particle physicists use conservation of energy and momentum to discover the mass of fundamental particles.
  3. Indirect evidence provides data to study phenomena that cannot be directly observed.
  4. Scientists continuously check the performance of their instruments by performing calibration runs, using particles with well-known characteristics.
  5. Data can be analyzed more effectively when properly organized; charts and histograms provide methods of finding patterns in large data sets.
  6. Data can be used to develop models based on patterns in the data.
  7. Physicists use models to make predictions about and explain natural phenomena.
  8. Particle decays are probabilistic for any one particle.
  9. Physicists must identify and subtract “noisy” background events in order to identify the “signal.”
  10. Well-understood particle properties such as charge, mass, and spin provide data to calibrate detectors.
  11. The Standard Model provides a framework for our understanding of matter.
  12. Research questions, experiments and models are formed and refined by observed patterns in large data sets.


Mon June 13

Session 1

Zoom Link

(15 min) Welcome

  • money, grad credit, … ?
  • student hat first, then teacher hat


(30 min) Guest speaker




(30 min) Norms discussion and activity (w/Adam)




(10 min) Our philosophy re:coding (w/Chris)


(2 hrs) Driver/navigator time

Session 2

(1 hr) More driver navigator time:


(30 min) Particle Physics review (w/Tiffany)


(15 min) All hands meeting

Tues June 14

Session 1

Zoom Link

(30 min) All Hands meeting

  • DIY radio telescope
  • Successes / challenges from yesterday’s notebooks
  • Graduate credit info
    • Register with Univ of St Francis (link coming soon), scroll to the Fermilab list (course not listed yet)
    • View syllabus and Quarknet-specific task (coming soon). 
  • How to keep reinforcing norms throughout the year?
  • Other cool things discovered
    • data.head() ← what’s the significance of “data”
  • Items 1 & 2 on the 2022 workshop must-do i tems page
  • (10 min) Take a 2nd look at the muon mass activity
  • Groups are assigned their decay mode


(3 hrs) Big CMS dataset analysis

  • key to column headings
  • Stars activity shows how to get link to GitHub data
  • take breaks as needed
  • swap driver/navigator periodically
  • ask us for help if you get stuck
  • Groups
    • J/Psi→ ee
    • J/Psi→ uu
    • Y→ ee
    • Y → uu
    • Z→ uu

(30 min) All hands

  • Take a look at each group’s mass plot
  • What cuts did you make? Why?
  • HEP questions

Session 2

(30 min) group working time


(30 min) Guest speaker


(1 hrs) CMS analysis working time

  • Finish creating an invariant mass plot for you particle
  • Discuss these follow-up questions in your group
  • How would you use your mass plot to tell someone about your particle?


(10 min) All Hands Meeting

Wed June 15

Session 1

Zoom Link

(30 min) All Hands

  • Thoughts from yesterday
  • Do you 3D print?
  • Money!
    • Big Data Hub teachers: you have a separate form
    • QuarkNet teachers: Anne Zakas needs your SSN, call her at 574-631-2789 and leave a message.
    • QNet teachers only: For up to $250 reimbursement, email Anne Zakas (zakas.1@nd.edu) with receipts showing payment was made.


(30 min) Breakout Groups of 6

  • Finish any last-minute tasks with partner group
  • Briefly share and discuss your group’s results
  • Discuss the follow-up questions


(30 min) All Hands


(2+ hrs) Preliminary data investigation

Session 2

(15 min) Keep generating ‘teacher hat’ ideas


(1.5 hrs) Teacher Hat work time: continue developing and refining new notebook

  • Arduino
  • Mobile app data collection (like PhyPhox)
  • More particle physics
  • Data for social good, locally-relevant data
  • Cosmics
  • Astronomy
  • Computational modeling
  • Hangout room
  • Quiet room


(5 min) Daily feedback survey

Thurs June 16

Session 1

Zoom Link

(1 hr) All Hands

(1 hr) Teacher Hat working time


(30 min) Share your work so far

  • Alan Grinsteinner
  • Calculus for AP C and P vs t (Amber)
  • X-files plots and reading & plotting (Amy)
  • Caitlin Bordeaux
  • Ohio wastewater analysis (Carol)
  • Cherie Bornhorst
  • Christopher Hatten
  • Baseball analysis (Dave)
  • Motion graphs (David)
  • Meteorite landings (Eric)
  • Histogramming lab data (George)
  • Titan’s atmosphere (Greg)
  • Energy Conservation (Jason)
  • Jennifer Santana
  • Earth satellite orbits (Joe)
  • Jordan Edwards
  • Reading a file and plotting (Kayla)
  • Keith Marshall
  • Plotting planets (Leslie)
  • Mark Hermano
  • Marteen Nolan
  • Heatmap of mortgage data (Megan)
  • Custom intro activity (Megan)
  • Leptonic decays (Nick, Veronica, & Yesenia)
  • Pendulum analysis (Paula)
  • Renee Teague
  • California earthquakes (Bob)
  • Sunspots (Rob)
  • Motion graphs (Stan)
  • Tiffany Madison
  • Vandana Raghuvanshi
  • Accelerometer analysis (Zach)

Session 2

(15 min) All Hands

  • From Bob Baker: To login to the WISRD (Wildwood Institute for STEM and Research Developement) detector using a DIY radio telescope and QuarkNet cosmic ray detector email Joe Wise at jwise@wildwood.org


(30 min) Guest speaker


(1.5 hrs) Teacher Hat mode

  • work individually or in 2s or 3s
  • develop a plan for implementation with your students
  • use whatever format or structure you’d like


(5 min) Daily feedback survey

Fri June 17

Session 1

Zoom Link

(15 min) All Hands

  • Thoughts from yesterday 
  • QuarkNet-funded teachers
    • For stipend: Anne Zakas needs your SSN. You can leave a secure voicemail at 574-631-2789.
    • For reimbursement: send receipts showing payment to Anne Zakas (zakas.1@nd.edu) and she’ll send a check for up to $250
  • South Big Data Hub-funded teachers
    • Return the form to Kendra Strickland. You’ll receive a single payment, not a stipend plus reimbursement.
  • group photo later this AM
  • Graduate course: $200 for the 2-credit class
  • Ideas for optional breakouts later
    • Assessment
    • AP Physics curriculum
    • QuarkNet activities, e-Labs, and detector
    • Supporting marginalized students?
    • How to do this without Google access?
      • On your computer: Install Anaconda (includes Jupyter, Python, & all your favorite modules)
      • Free online: Repl.it


(anytime this AM) Quarknet Teacher survey

  • If you’ve done a QuarkNet workshop in 2019-2022, here’s the short survey (5-6 min)
  • If you haven’t done the long Quarknet survey since 2019, here’s the full survey (15-20 min)


(1.5 hrs min) Continue working on implementation plan

  • A good place to include your implementation plan is in your coding notebook.
  • Ask a QuarkNet Fellow to add your link to the list below
  • Be prepared to have others look at your implementation plan and coding activity at the beginning of Session 2.


(10 sec) Group photo here and here


Implementation plans and coding activities

  • Energy of the Chicxulub impact by Alan Grinsteinner
  • Calculus methods by Amber Morgan
  • Intro to Coding: Do you believe? by Amy Eardley
  • Earthquakes by Bob  Baker
  • Watershed Analysis by Carol Burns
  • Cherie Bornhorst coming soon
  • Motion Graphing by Christopher Hatten
  • Baseball Analysis by Dave Baran
  • Motion Graph Analysis by David Bates
  • Kinematics Curves by Eric Apfel
  • Histograms to determine accepted values by George Moore
  • Looking for Hydrocarbons on Titan by Gregory Alley
  • Kinetic & Potential Energy by Jason Williamson
  • Elements and the Periodic Table byJennifer Santana
  • Earth Satellite Orbits by Joe Fehr
  • Modeling Newton’s 2nd Law by Jordan Edwards
  • Distance, Velocity, and Acceleration Plots by Kayla Mitchell
  • Keith Marshall coming soon
  • Modeling Temperature in the Solar System by Leslie Davis
  • Importing Large Datasets by Mark Hermano
  • Muon Mass by Marteen Nolan
  • Charger Particle Movement in Parallel Plates Megan Alvord
  • Intro to Python and Data Analysis by Megan Noel
  • Leptonic Decays by Nick Vanderpool and Veronica Monte
  • Pendulum Lab by Paula Carlson
  • Fatal Black Bear Attacks in North America by Renee Teague
  • Sunspots Number by Date by Rob Sullivan
  • Rockets by Shelley Bullard
  • Intro to Average Speed by Stan Cutler
  • Scatterplot with Trendline by Tiffany Madison
  • California Homes by Vandana Raghuvanshi
  • Periodic Table by Yesenia Torres
  • 3 Axis Accelerometer by Zachary Beam

Session 2

(40 min) Share plans for implementation in groups of 4

  • Assign a timekeeper since this timeline is tight
  • 5 minutes of each camper “Driving” one notebook; 5 minutes of feedback/questions
  • Participate as a student might. The author can make their own notes with comments/feedback.
  • Briefly decide upon ONE activity (of the four) that you want to “showcase” later.


(45 min) Coding Activity Showcase

  • (3 min each) Showcasers will screen share, briefly summarize their lesson, and mention some of the feedback received during the small group session

Post-Camp To Do List

  • Nothing yet


Learning to code

Data Science
