2022 Coding Camp 2

2022 QuarkNet Coding Camp 2

Time: Sunday, July 24 - Friday, July 29

Spacetime: See the teacher travel info page 

Coding Fellows

Adam LaMee, UCF

Tiffany Coke, Hawaii

Tracie Schroeder, Kansas

Danelix Cordero-Rosario, UPR-M

Emily Gwin, FSU


Sunday, July 24

  • Plan on arriving at the hotel by 6pm. Communicate with Adam (info above) if you’re having trouble and we’ll get it sorted.
  • 7pm meet in Hyatt House conference room, short check in meeting
    • Quick activity
    • Carpool groups
    • Discuss lunch spots
  • If you haven’t yet, tell us your emergency contact and grouping info.

Monday, July 25

9-11AM in Hyatt House conference room

  • The really important stuff
    • Have everyone introduce themselves
    • Zoom with Adam
    • Structure of the week
      • student-hat: early in the learning cycle, this is for *you to learn new things, some will be beyond what you’d have your students do  BSCS 5E Learning Cycle. QuarkNet Github
      • teacher-hat: later in the learning cycle, apply what you’ve learned to design a lesson for your course
    • Safety, bathrooms, coffee, shoes, lunch
  • Begin student-hat activities


11-4 at Fermilab

  • Driving directions from the hotel to Fermilab Wilson Hall (the tall bldg, locals just call it “the highrise”). You’ll need to enter this direction through the East Gate on Day One to get an official name tag from the guard at the gate. Have your QR code and ID ready!
  • Lunch at Wilson Hall Cafeteria
  • 1pm tour of Wilson Hall and Linac (1.5 hours)
  • Head to Building 327 where we’ll meet for the rest of the week. Here’s a map. From Wilson Hall heading east, it’s the last building on the left. We held Data Camp there for the past ~5 years, if it looks familiar. 
    • Data Viz share out
    • 3:00 Zoom with Dr. Sudhir Malik, UPR-M
    • Do the daily feedback form before you leave
  • Dinner suggestions, optional 

Tuesday, July 26

9-11am in the hotel conference room



12:00 Lunch: On your own near Target or somewhere kinda close


1:15 - 1:45 Meet at Lederman Science Center


2:30-4pm in building 327 at Fermilab

  • More student-hat time
    • Finish up the t’ test activity comparing magnetic fields in 2 locations
      • Holmes Statistics Summary
    • Upload your completed activity as view only in the Share Out document
    • When you’re ready, start the final notebook on Model Fitting with Muon Tracks
  • Visit from Farrah Medi Simpson, PhD student at Brown Univ farrah_simpson@brown.edu
  • Do the daily feedback form before you leave
  • Leave Fermilab around 5pm


Wednesday, July 27

9-9:30am in the hotel gathering room 


10-12 Working in building 327 at Fermilab


  • Start Model Fitting with Muon Tracks 
  • Want to revisit the Lederman Science Center after our visit yesterday got cut short? Leave a bit early, it’s a short walk from Wilson Hall (and the cafeteria)


12pm Lunch: Fermilab Cafeteria


  • 1pm tour of SiDet and group photo outside by bubble chamber (map) (1.5 hours) (1.5 hours)
  • Photo file

2-4pm in building 327 at Fermilab


  • Finish up the Model Fitting with Muon Tracks and drop a view only in the Share Out document
  • Do items 1 & 2 on the QuarkNet must-do page
    • We’ll omit items 3 & 5 and save item 4 (surveys) for Friday AM
  • Switch from student-hat to teacher-hat
    • Reevaluate the 3 activities you’ve worked on with your teacher hat on
      • How would you see this working in your class?
      • How would you change it?
  • Do the daily feedback form before you leave


Leave Fermilab around 4pm

Thursday, July 28

9am start in Hyatt House gathering space

  • Announcements?
  • Zoom with Adam to chat about the Muon Tracks activity, the ML version, how awesome y’all are, and whatever else

9:30am leave for building 327 at Fermilab

  • Teacher-hat time for those who do not want to work on the machine learning activity today
    • How do you envision incorporating something you learned this week into your classes?
    • Discuss ideas with other teachers and share
    • Start developing your implementation plan
  • Do items 1 & 2 on the QuarkNet must-do page
    • We’ll omit items 3 & 5 and save item 4 (surveys) for Friday AM
  • (time TBD) Visit from Dr. Bryan Ramson, Physicist at Fermilab


Lunch: 12:15-1:15


1:30 tour of ICB magnet facility (across the street from 327)


2:30-4pm in building 327 at Fermilab


  • Visit from Scarlet Norberg, Postdoctoral Research Associate 

University of Puerto Rico

  • Share your draft implementation plan with your group
    • Spend about 5 min sharing/explaining/letting them try it out
  • Do items 1 & 2 on the QuarkNet must-do page
    • We’ll omit items 3 & 5 and save item 4 (surveys) for Friday AM
  • Plan for sharing something you’ve worked on, something you’ve done, a coding tip or a good idea you have in the Share Out document for Friday morning
  • Add a link to your implementation plan in the Share Out document
  • Do the daily feedback form before you leave
  • Leave Fermilab around 4pm

Friday, July 29

9am Hyatt House conference room (no journey to Fermilab today)

  • Share Out !
  • Do items 1 & 2 on the QuarkNet must-do page
    • We’ll omit items 3 & 5
  • Annual QuarkNet Survey: teachers only need to do a survey once per year, so Coding Camp 1 or Data Camp folks can skip it
    • The short survey (5-6 min) is for anyone who has done a QuarkNet workshop in 2019-2022.
    • The full survey (15-20 min) is for teachers who haven’t done the long Quarknet survey since 2019.
  • Want to share pictures? Photo Folder
  • Fellows need links to everyone’s implementation plans and coding notebooks in the Share Out document.


Welcome! (moved to end of document)

Thanks for wanting to spend a week of your precious summer with us. In return, we’ll do our best to give you a truly valuable experience learning how to enrich your courses with coding and particle physics. 


QuarkNet’s Coding Camp 2 is a one-week workshop for teachers of high school physics and related topics to gain in-depth experience with fundamental computer programming skills and applications. Particle physics is used as the context for these learning experiences where teachers practice analyzing and visualizing data from high energy experiments with spreadsheets and python notebooks. Coding Camp 2 builds on teachers’ prior exposure to programming through QuarkNet’s Data Camp and Coding Camp 1 and broader professional development in particle physics, data science, and computational modeling.


With other organizations experiencing COVID spread via recent workshops and conferences, we’re planning on the following safety measures:

  • All participants, Fellows, and staff will wear N95 or KN95 masks (not fabric, vented, or surgical masks) indoors. We’ll have masks and rapid tests for you when you arrive.
  • Outdoor spaces will be used as much as possible, weather and availability permitting, including social time after workshop hours.
  • If the local COVID rates increase, Fermilab may require proof of full vaccination or negative COVID test.

Before you travel to Coding Camp 2 

Before you depart, see the Teacher Travel page for the various travel information and pre-camp to-do list we emailed you over the past few weeks. That also has which hotel you’re staying in and the arrangements from the airport-to-hotel.

Food and lodging

Teachers are split between two hotels, but they’re right next to each other: Hyatt Place Chicago/Naperville/Warrenville and Hyatt House Chicago/Naperville/Warrenville. Both offer free breakfast in the lobby. You’ll be on your own for other meals, but you do get a per diem of ~ $40/day for food (no need to keep receipts). Fermilab has a great cafeteria open for breakfast and lunch with several hot and cold options at reasonable prices. Teachers will usually coordinate carpooling to go to dinner or have food delivered to the hotel. Travel to/from the lab & hotel


Driving directions from the hotel to Fermilab Wilson Hall (the tall bldg, locals just call it “the highrise”). You’ll need to enter this direction through the East Gate on Day One to get an official name tag from the guard at the gate. Have your QR code and ID ready!