2023 Spring Coding Workshop Agenda: 4-hour session

Quarknet Coding Workshop Agenda: 4-hour session


3 pm Opening Discussion, Sign-in

Welcome to Coding! 


Open up the Intro to Coding activity you completed beforehand and share with a partner. In breakout rooms, have one person at a time share their computer and either ask a question or show how you completed part of the activity.


~3:15 pm Graphing 

~3:45 pm Position-Time Graphs: Modeling with Equations (assigned partners) (Part 1)

~4:30 pm Position-Time Graphs: Using a Data File (assigned partners) (Part 2A)


~4:45pm Discussion with the large group: 

  • Where are we now? 
  • Questions on graphing? 
  • Sharing out examples including extension activities.


~ 5:00pm: 15 minute Break 

Create 3 breakout groups: 

  1. Work with others and ask questions, chat through ideas
  2. Silent, work on your own
  3. Ask questions of the fellows


~5:15pm: Position-Time Graphs: Projectile Motion (Part 2B)

Position-Time Graphs: Extension - creating your own data file and importing it


Coding Workshop veteran and ready to move on? 

Optional additional extension: Velocity-Time Graphs


Fellow: check in w/ groups, see if they want more time on PT or if they want to go to Astro


~6:00pm:  Discussion with the large group: 

  • Where are we now? 
  • Questions on graphing? 
  • Sharing out examples including extension activities.


~6:15pm: Coding Extension into Astronomy


~6:45pm: Wrap up & Survey

Coding in k-12: https://adamlamee.github.io/CODINGinK12/

Coding Camps this summer - week long coding activities
