Communicate Your Results


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Every masterclass should conclude with communication and discussion of the results of the measurement.


Fermilab videoconferences

Registration and Schedules

  • Register for Fermilab videoconference (due Friday 06 December 2024; form now closed.)
  • After 06 December, register by email with the following information:
    • Your name
    • Institution
    • Institution City, State/Province, Country
    • Preferred date (10 Mar - 10 Apr) and time (U.S. Central Time)
    • Measurement (ATLAS Z, CMS WZH, MINERvA, or NOvA)
    • Any other information
  • IMC Registration Circular, with links and deadlines

All schedules are tentative at this point. To request a change, please send us an email.


Fermilab institutes connect to videoconferences through Zoom. Channels are indicated in the schedule.

2025 Schedule for masterclass videoconferences moderated by Fermilab

This will be updated as registrations are received.

Times (TBA) are in U.S. Central Time. (Convert to your time zone.) This schedule is in its preliminary stages and is subject to change.

Date/time (U.S. Central Time)MeasurmentInstitutesModerator(s)StaffZoom link (2)
Mon 10 Mar/15:00CMSHermosillo MX   
Tue 11 Mar/15:00ATLASDeKalb IL   
Wed 12 Mar/09:00MINERvAValencia ES   
Thu 13 Mar/14:30CMSNotre Dame IN   
Fri 14 Mar/09:00MINERvAGenova IT   
Fri 14 Mar/15:00ATLASRuston LA   
Sat 15 Mar/14:00CMSAcambay de Ruíz Castañeda MX, Quito EC, Valle de Aburra CO   
Sat 15 Mar/14:30MINERvANotre Dame IN   
Sat 15 Mar/15:00ATLAS/CMSOrange CA, Santa Cruz CA   
Sat 22 Mar/14:00MINERvABuffalo NY, Mayaguez PR   
Sat 22 Mar/15:00CMSMedellin CO   
Sat 22 Mar/20:00ATLASTurlock CA   
Tue 25 Mar/15:00ATLASStillwater OK   
Fri 28 Mar/10:00MINERvADurham UK   
Fri 28 Mar/20:30CMSAuckland NZ   
Sat 29 Mar/15:00ATLASStillwater OK   
Mon 1 Apr/15:00ATLASStillwater OK   
Fri 04 Apr/14:00NOvAManhattan KS   
Sat 05 Apr/14:30CMSMadison NJ, Montelibano MX, Puebla MX   
Sat 05 Apr/15:30NOvAMinneapolis MN   
Tue 08 Apr/10:00CMSEl-oued DZ, Tizi-Ouzo DZ   
Tue 08 Apr/15:30ATLASSalt Lake UT   
Thu 10 AprCMSOsorio BR   


  1. U.S. Daylight Savings Time begins Sun 10 Mar. The schedule continues with the same local time intervals for Fermilab but move one hour ahead in non-U.S. time zones.
  2. Email for password.


General Videoconference Plan

Revised Feb 2024.  

Time from startItemRemarks
-00:10Moderators arrive; institutes log in
  • test and establish video and audio connections
  • introductions of moderators, institutes, map; warm-up questions, if any
+00:05Combined results
  • show combined result from that day
  • for LHC masterclasses, show ATLAS or CMS "pro" results
  • Let students ask questions if they have them. Answer succinctly. Do not try to draw them into a socratic lesson.
+00:10Virtiual Visit
  • Live or video tour of some aspect of Fermilab or another site
  • If there is time, add a Fermilab story or presonal observation.
  • moderators take questions from students
+00:30Videoconference ends
  • students may leave or stay for more questions if they are inclined


Publish your results

Alternative communication online

Any masterclass group or subset of that group, e.g. the students from one school that attended the masterclass, may put together their own report of their results. The report can be created and submitted on the masterclass day or up to one week after by Google form or email. The report is made available in the table below. Here are the steps:

  • Create your own report with at least some of the following:
    • Claim: What did you conclude from your masterclass measurement?
    • Evidence: Show relevant masterclass results (e.g. mass histogram from CIMA)
    • Reasoning: How did you come to your conclusion?
  • Post your report online or save it as a document of some sort (100 MB limit). 
  • Make your report to QuarkNet via the Google form at You will be asked for:
    • Institutional information on where the report comes from (no personal information about students)
    • Abstract
    • Report
    • One big question.
  • None of the responses is required. However, insubstantial entries may be deleted. Any entries may be edited by QuarkNet staff for content or deleted at their discretion.
  • The first entry in the table is a sample report. You may use it to help you fashion your report but you do not have to. In this case, the report is online but is also uploaded as a PDF. You do not need to do both.

Masterclass reports are encouraged but optional. Reports are strongly encouraged for masterclasses that do not participate in a videoconference.

