
U Cincinnati Abstract 2014 - Large Hadron Collider beauty Particle Analysis

T. Baker, K. Debry, B. Shen, R. Swertfeger D. Whittington (Fairfield High School) M.Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati) The purpose of our research was to identify signal and background ranges of particle masses in high energy decays from the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb), and to compare…

U Cincinnati Abstract 2014 - Analysis of Particle Measurements from Large Hadron Collider

T. Baker, K. Debry, B. Shen,  R. Swertfeger D. Whittington (Fairfield High School) M. Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati)   The purpose of our research was to identify the signal and background regions in particle decay patterns and compare the measurements that to those listed in the Particle…