U of Washington QuarkNet Center Annual Report 2016

NIU Annual Report

The NIU Quarknet Group had a diverse set of learning opportunities this year, filled with many learning styles and wide breadth of information considerations.  The mentor and Teacher Leader of the NIU group, Prof. Chakraborty, Elisa Gatz, respectively, had all rooms, equipment, snacks, and schedule…

University of Oregon 2016 Annual Report

QuarkNet Oregon 2016 The Center for High-­‐Energy Physics at the University of Oregon (UOCHEP) hosted the 2016 QuarkNet workshop June 23-­‐24 on the UO campus. This was our 15th summer workshop. A printed version of the workshop web page is given on the next page and the URL (including live links)…

Research Abstract for HS interns

Student Abstract Information for HS internship at WIPAC/UW-Madison   Zooniverse-based citizen projects for IceCube and DECO Owen Roszkowski  (West High School), Valerie Hellmer (West High School) Jeff Leider (Janesville Craig HS) Sílvia Bravo, Justin Vandenbroucke (WIPAC) The purpose of our…

UW–Madison QuarkNet Center 2015-2016 Annual Report

The QuarkNet efforts at UW–Madison are led by the Wisconsin IceCube Astrophysics Center (WIPAC). Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke (co-PI) and Dr Silvia Bravo (co-PI) work together with several researchers working with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory…

FSU QuarkNet Annual Report 2016

Virtual Center Annual Report

Virtual Center Annual Report 2016 This year The Virtual Center was very successful. We continue to meet virtually once a month via video conference. This summer 8 members of our group choose to meet at the University of Chicago for a major update on LIGO’s newest discoveries.  The learning…

Statistical Mechanics


Plasma Physics 1