2018 FNAL Meeting & LIGO e-Lab Workshop

July 18-20, 2018
Training Building (EAOC), Large Training Room

Small URL for page: https://tinyurl.com/qn2018fnal


LIGO e-Lab Workshop Objectives

Participating teachers will be able to:

  • > Plot and interpret data recorded by LIGO seismic instruments; address limitations in the data.
  • > Make claims based on evidence from LIGO data and provide reasoning.
  • > Describe the connections between LIGO seismic data and classical physics wave concepts.
  • > Explain the importance of LIGO seismic data in a gravitiational wave search.
  • > Develop a plan to implement material from the workshop in an educational setting.


Times and specific activities are subject to adjustment.

 Wednesday 18 July

09:00     Coffee, Registration, Sign-in
                and Introductions

10:00     Fermilab Scientist Talk: Jim Annis
              > Gravitational Waves & LIGO

11:00     Break

11:15     Exploration of LIGO e-Lab: 

  • > Start at https://www.i2u2.org/
  • > Log in with account
  • > Review Resources and Project Map
  • > Try out features

    12:00     Lunch

      13:00     Student Presentation
                    Machine Learning in Astrophysics
                    > Anne Foley (Naperville North)
                    > Nicholas Ermolov (Glenbrook South)
                    > Brian Nord (mentor)

      13:45    Fermilab Scientist Talk: David Caratelli

      14:30     Tour: Neutrino Campus
                    > ICARUS, Angela Fava (Fermilab)
                    > MicroBooNE, Lauren Yates (MIT)

      15:45     LIGO Film Festival:

      16:30     End of day


        Thursday 19 July

        09:00     Opening discussion

        09:30     Seismology Review using e-Lab resources
                      > Use e-Lab resources
                      > Demo interferometer
        10:15     Search and analyze in e-Lab data:

        10:45     Begin research/poster-making

        12:00     Lunch

        13:00     Continue research/poster-making

          14:00     Fermilab Scientist Talk: Mattia Checchin
                        > Quantum Computing

          15:00     Break

          15:15     Continue research/poster-making

            16:30     End of day

            Friday 20 July

            09:00     Opening Discussion/Finish Posters
                          LIGO Article

            09:30     Student Presentation
                          Cherenkov Detectors
                          > Eha Srivastava (Glenbard East)
                          > James Kennedy (Oak Part River Forest)
                          > Mandy Rominsky (mentor, test beams)

            10:30     Tour: FNAL Test Beam Facility
                          > Jerry Zimmerman, Detector Development

            12:00     Lunch

            13:00     LIGO Virtual Visit, William Katzman
                          > LIGO Livingston, via Zoom

            13:30     Present posters 

            14:15     Implementation discussion
                          > Ideas recorded

            14:45     Break

            15:00     Thermodynamics Demonstration Pilot
                          > Michael Zwartz, Noyce Scholar
                          > Andrew Dalassendro, Cryogenic Engineering

            16:00     Reflection/Evaluation
                          Evaluation link

            16:30     End of LIGO e-Lab workshop



