2019 Syracuse Workshop with STEP UP
August 15-16, 2019
Physics Building, Room 202/204
Tiny URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/suqn2019
2019 Workshop with STEP UP
Times and specific activities are subject to adjustment.
Thursday, August 1508:20 Meet at SU, coffee 08:45 Depart for Syracuse Research Corp (SRC) [ Sydney's talk is attached below under "Files".]
09:30 Visit SRC
11:30 Arrive back at SU (Rm 202/204) 12:10 SU research mini-presentations
13:10 Lab Tours
14:20 Coffee break (Room 202/204) 14:40 Presentations and Q&A on various particle physics topics (see attached files at bottom of page)
16:10 QuarkNet updates
16:30 End of day
| Friday, August 16
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| Contacts