Annual Report 2022

Overview: Our group met monthly thoughout the year in an online environment.  We held Sunday evening meetings on Oct. 10, Nov. 21, Jan. 23, Feb. 28, Apr. 24th and May 22nd.  Our discussions were far ranging, as usual.  

  • In October we met a new teacher Gregory Alley and discussed briefly the 2021 Physics Nobel Prize (8 attendees)
  • In November (9 attendees) and January (13 attendees) we discussed the strengths/weaknesses of our group dynamic, doing a check in regarding mentors and teachers needs.  Danielle recruited more help to make her job as mentor fit with her new job as a LANL scientist 
  • In February (13 attendees)/March (10 attendees) we talked Masterclass 
  • In May we planned summer (10 attendees)
  • Thoughts for next year: lingering from our meeting agendas are a few guest speakers we would like to invite for the upcoming school year.  

Summer Meeting Theme: Cosmic Ray Detectors and Higgs@10

Attendance: 6 in-person teachers, 1 virtual attendee

Mentors; Danielle, Antonio, emertius Dan 

Teachers: James Small, Joel Klammer (briefly via zoom), David Trapp (lead), Nicole Preiser, Megan Alvord, Michael Wadness (lead), Gregory Alley

 Our 2022 Virtual QN Summer Workshop met at the Notre Dame center in South Bend, IN.  A big part of the agenda was connecting with the QuarkNet staff and teaching community.  We benefited greatly from the local knowledge and support while working through activities.  There conversations ranging from technical questions to the usual jokes by unusual geeks.  We convened for 2.5 days, and hosted a talks/tours: 

  • Particle Physics Show in the Planetarium
  • Nuclear Accelerator Lab Tour
  • Rare Book Room Tour
  • Cosmic Ray studies guided by Mike Wadness and ND teachers Jeff Chorney and Jeremy Wagner
  • Mentor Antonio Delgado Q&A on the Higgs @ 10
  • Plasma Physics talk by Dan Karmgard

Our workshop learning objectives and schedule are available at:

And some pics to show off our adventures are below