Constructing a Raspberry Pi Muon Detector

Mary Chin - Maui High School

       Muons are particles that shower from earth's atmosphere after colliding with cosmic rays, particles shot of from supernovae and other explosive activities outside of the solar system. Their frequencies are lessened by increased solar activity, which fluctuates based on an 11 year solar cycle. Their detection and frequencies can be used to predict future patterns in cloud formation thus giving an indication of the weather. Muons have shown to seed cloud formation, thus possessing the potential to influence regional climates drastically by compounding preexistent humidity and heat, or by preventing sun exposure. By recording the frequencies of muons around the world, scientists can better understand how influential their presence in various places can be. The goal of this project is to construct and improve a low cost muon detector from a raspberry pi circuit board. By adding on highly sensitive components and adjusting the code running this process, the ultimate goal to have the most efficient and low cost muon detector may be achieved.

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