Friday Flyer - May 20, 2016

On time as usual!

Spotlight on the Idaho State University QuarkNet Center: Idaho State is one of our centers that is especially strong in the cosmic ray program. Cosmic fellow Robert Franckowiak and mentor Steve Shropshire worked with the group last summer on plateauing detectors and blessing data; the teachers took it from there during the school year. One noteworthy example is when teacher Steve Millward's students wanted to study the effects of electric fields on cosmic rays: Steve brought his students (and his principal!) at Grace High School to a local Rocky Mountain Power substation; read all about it and then check out the e-Lab poster


News from QuarkNet Central: One of the items that came out of the recent Facilitator Workshop was an enhanced "How to..." section of the QuarkNet website. It gives new information on things you can do with the site, including finding an archive of the Friday Flyer. Take a look. The much bigger thing that came out was an enthusiastic group of fellows and staff who can bring a workshop to your center. Here's the schedule so far. (Please check it; do we have your information correct?) And here is our "brochure" for QuarkNet workshops. If you haven't contacted us about your dates or a workshop request, please do so.


Physics Experiment Roundup: The LHC is up and running! Read about how it starts with the CERN accelerator chain. Be part of the process with LHC@Home.

Resources: We go on a lot—justifiably—about the amazing particle physics experiments from LHC to DUNE to AMS. Often it all starts with theory. So just what do theorists do, aside from calculations on the back of envelopes? Find out from Fermi News.

Just for Fun: Physics Girl explains quarks with candies. Why not?

QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: