QuarkNet teachers develop professionally through special activities and by leading students in authentic scientific investigations. Here are some of the opportunities available:
A QuarkNet center begins with two lead teachers who hold paid seven-week summer research internships. The next year, these teachers help their mentors design and facilitate a two to three week research-like experience for a group of around five associate teachers who join the center.

Researcher @ Fermilab

Researcher @ Fermilab
Each summer, QuarkNet offers Data Camp and Coding Camps 1 & 2. Data Camp is an in-depth week of activities at Fermilab focused around analysis of authentic particle physics experimental data and classroom data activities. Coding Camp 1 is a one-week virtual introduction to coding in Python. Coding Camp 2 is a more in-depth coding exploration at Fermilab with large data sets.
Data Camp Teachers taking elevator down to MINOS cavern @ Fermilab
Data Camp Participants in front of bubble chamber @ Fermilab
QuarkNet fellows and staff offer workshops at QuarkNet center meetings upon request. These popular workshops help teachers learn by exploring investigations they can bring to their classrooms.
- In Cosmic Ray e-Lab workshops, teachers assemble a cosmic ray detector and use it with the e-Lab to collect, upload and analyze data. Teachers and their students can collaborate on cosmic ray studies worldwide.
- In LHC and Neutrino Data workshops, teachers work with student activities in the Data Activities Portfolio. These activities of increasing sophistication culminate in the ATLAS, CMS, MINERvA, or NOvA masterclass and explorations beyond.
- In Coding workshops, we introduce teachers to Python notebooks and their use in the classroom.
Teachers in Q&A session with COStateU faculty member Norm Buchanan
KS teachers set up table-top interferometer
Fellows are teachers selected to help lead QuarkNet by facilitating workshops, developing activities, and advising staff. There are four fellows groups.
- Cosmic Ray fellows help manage the cosmic ray program, provide assistance to teachers and students seeking help in using detectors or the Cosmic Ray e-Lab, and facilitate Cosmic Ray e-Lab workshops.
- Coding fellows help organize and facilitate Coding Camps and coding workshops.
- LHC fellows help manage, develop, and orient users for LHC Masterclasses as well as facilitate LHC Data, CMS e-Lab, and other workshops.
- Neutrino fellows help manage, develop, and orient users for Neutrino Masterclasses as well as facilitate Neutrino Data and other workshops.
- Teaching and Learning fellows organize and facilitate Data Camp.

QuarkNet fellows meeting

QuarkNet fellows meeting