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QuarkNet offers a variety of opportunities for professional development of QuarkNet teachers at centers. Most are facilitated by staff or fellows who come to the center to work with teachers. The table below summarizes what is currently available. Note that all workshops can be lengthened, shortened, or combined to accommodate the needs of the center.
Activity | Duration | Brief Description | Sample Agenda(s) | Other Info/ Materials |
Large Hadron Collider Workshops: | ||||
Higgs Boson Discovery | ~1 day | The Higgs boson discovery at CERN was announced on July 4, 2012. This workshop will focus on the discovery and what we have learned since, including activities that can be used in the classroom. | ||
W2D2 Data Workshop | ~0.5-1 days | Teachers will learn about and perform the World Wide Data Day (W2D2) measurement. This can be done either in-person or virtually, is perfect for a short autumn workshop, and serves as "just in time" preparation for participation in W2D2. | ||
ATLAS Data Workshop | ~2 days | Data Portfolio Activities and professional development based on the ATLAS experiment. Great center preparation for ATLAS Z-path masterclasses and World Wide Data Day. | ||
ATLAS Data Workshop Update | ~1-2 days | Focus is only on the new elements since the ATLAS masterclass update. (See above.) May also focus on new supporting activities from the Data Activities Portfolio Great for participants who have been experience with the CMS masterclass and data workshop. | Offered for masterclass orientations | |
CMS Data Workshop | ~2 days | Data Portfolio Activities and professional development based on the CMS experiment. Great center preparation for CMS WZH-path masterclasses and World Wide Data Day; can be modified for CMS J/Psi School-based masterclass. | Flyer | |
CMS Data Workshop Update | ~1-2 days | Focus is only on the new elements since the CMS masterclass update. (See above.) May also focus on new supporting activities from the Data Activities Portfolio Great for participants who have been experience with the CMS masterclass and data workshop. | Offered for masterclass orientations. | |
CMS e-Lab Workshop | ~2-3 days | Lead students into investigations of CMS data in the CMS e-Lab. Plan investigations, carry them to conclusions, and report to colleagues. Work through and help further develop new activities with CMS data. |
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Neutrino Based Workshops: | ||||
MINERvA Data Workshop | Data Portfolio Activities and professional development centers around the MINERvA experiment. Great center preparation for the MINERvA neutrino masterclasses. |
| Flyer | |
NOvA Data Workshop | Data Portfolio Activities and professional development centers around the NOvA experiment. Great center preparation for the NOvA neutrino masterclasses. | |||
Cosmic Ray Workshops: | ||||
Cosmic Ray e-Lab Workshop | ~2-3 days | Work with Cosmic Ray Detectors, upload data, and analyze online. Lead students into investigations of Cosmic Ray data in the Cosmic Ray e-Lab. Plan investigations, carry them to conclusions, and report to colleagues. |
| Flyer |
Cosmic Watch Introductory Workshop | ~1-2 days | Assemble Cosmic Watches for your QuarkNet center from a kit (optional) and then work on activities to use Cosmic Watches in the classroom. | ||
Cosmic Ray Data Workshop | ~1-2 days | Tentative. | ||
Cosmic Ray e-Lab Workshop - Advanced Studies | ~1-2 days | Tentative. | ||
Special Topics Based Workshops: | ||||
Belle II Data Workshop | ~1-2 days | Data Portfolio Activities and professional development based on the Belle II experiment at KEK. Great center preparation for the Belle II masterclass; useful for learning about e+e- colliders! | Ole Miss 2023 | |
Coding Workshop | ~2 days | Professional development using Python notebooks to analyze and visualize particle physics data. No coding experience needed. | ||
Intro to STEP UP Workshop | ~1 day | STEP UP is a NSF-funded, evidence-based set of lessons and strategies for high school physics teachers that aims to encourage a broader range of students to pursue a degree in physics. In this introductory workshop, teachers will have the opportunity to try out the Careers in Physics lesson, and to be introduced to the Lessons from Lise Meitner case study, along with everyday actions that can help nurture broadened participation in the classroom. | STEP UP Website | |
Muon Study | ~0.5-2 days | Short course (see above) using data activities from the DAP which build understanding of particle lifetime and exponential decay. Start with a simple simulation, go through Cosmic Ray e-Lab data, and on to the MINERvA neutrino experiment. | ||
New Questions in Partlcle Physics | ~1 day | CDF has found a precise but anomalous value for the W mass. LHCb might call lepton universality into question. The value of g-2 is still off from the SM prediction. And neutrino mysteries abound. Participating teachers investigate the developing particle physics landscape and what it might mean. | N/A | |
Quantum Data | ~1 day day | New workshop! Participants will explore introductory concepts of Quantum Mechanics through QuarkNet Data Activities. Participants will uncover fundamental concepts such as wave-particle duality, complementary variables (uncertainty), and the probabilistic nature of matter and energy. | N/A | N/A |
Special Relativity | 0.5-1.5 days | The Special Relativity Workshop comes in two parts: Principles and Applications. A QuarkNet Center may choose either or both. Special Relativity Principles explores the conceptual and mathematical development from first principles of the special relativity relations routinely used in particle physics and other high energy and high precision experimental work. Special Relativity Applications uses QuarkNet Data Activities to highlight the necessity of using the space-time and momentum-energy relations of special relativity to make sense of experimental data in particle physics. | Template | |
Workshop X | ~0.5-2 days | This workshop will follow the "un-conference" model, where teachers work with the facilitator(s) to decide the agenda from Data Portfolio and other related activities based on needs they express. | N/A |
Don't see a workshop that fits your needs? Contact a QuarkNet staff member!