OU+OSU QuarkNet Annual Report

The University of Oklahoma (OU) and Oklahoma State University (OSU) held a joint 3 day Quarknet workshop at OU on July 17-19, 2019 with eight teachers attending. All teachers had attended at least one previous workshop. The agenda was billed as 


1) Day 1, The Past: We discussed subjects from previous workshops including the use of cosmic ray detectors, Quarknet material in the classroom, and an update on new developments in particle physics. Mike Strauss from OU ran the session.


2) Day 2, The Present: John Stupak from OU ran a Master Class for the teachers and demonstrated how they can use the Masters Class with their students.


3) Day 3, The Future: Mike Strauss, John Stupak, and Joe Haley (from OSU) discussed strategy and subjects for future Quarknet workshops including how to balance veteran Quarknet teachers with new teachers, how Quarknet can best serve the teachers of Oklahoma. We came up with concrete strategies and plans for the next few years of Quarknet workshops in Oklahoma.


Submitted by Mike Strauss

November 7, 2019

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