Queensborough Community College QuarkNet Center


  • Raul Armendariz, Mentor
  • Steve Barton, Lead Teacher
Links :

Quarknet QCC Center 2017 annual report Posted

CRMD activities update at QCC 2017

PMT gain calculations and spe detection

Presentation to physics department 2017

PMT dark rate measurements

Hamamatsu H2431 PMT dark rate measurements at BNL 2017 

Plateauing SensTech PMTs, QuarkNet flux measurements, polishing NE114 scintillator

Student final presentation to QCC physics department summer 2016

CRMD flux measurements with pressure fluctuations, and detector DAQ data

Learning to compare CRMD flux measurements with pressure fluctuations, and detector DAQ data. Prsented to QCC Honors Conference 2017

Photomultiplier tube characterization for CUNY CRMD array

Gain and dark rates were measured for Hamamtsu H2431 2" PMTs at Brookhaven Lab; the PMTs will be used with counters in the CUNY CRMD array. Results presented to student symposium at BNL STEM Hub…

CRMD measurements with MARIACHI counters and QuarkNet DAQ

Cosmic ray muon flux measurements with 1m x 0.3m MARIACHI counters and a QuarkNet DAQ at SCCC, Selden, NY, Dec 2016. Presented to SUNY undergraduate research conference SURC-East 2017. 

Slide presented to International Cosmic Ray Day (ICD) 2016

Slide presented to International Cosmic Ray Day (ICD) 2016

Cosmic Ray Poster submitted to QCC URD Conference 2016

Cosmic Ray Poster submitted to QCC URD Conference 2016