University of New Mexico QuarkNet Center


Sally Seidel, Mentor

Additional Website: Click Here

The New Mexico QuarkNet group works on all aspects of data from QuarkNet with mentor Sally Seidel and lead teacher Gordon Zwartz.

Links :

New Mexico QuarkNet - 2023 Annual Report

New Mexico QuarkNet - 2023 Annual Report New Mexico QuarkNet teachers with cosmic ray muon detectors at Sandia Peak in July, 2023.   The New Mexico center hosted a teacher workshop July 26-29,…

21st Century Public Academy Classroom Visit - Oct. 2023

    October 11-12, 2023    Small URL for this page:    ~20 min.   Setting the stage: Big to small   Activity: Shuffling the Particle…

UNM 2023 Cosmic Ray Muon & STEAM QuarkNet Workshop

Short URL for this page:   June 26-29, 2023  Locations: University of New Mexico (PAIS), Sandia Tramway, and Q Station (See agenda for specific locations) Agenda…

New Mexico 2022 Annual Report

Staff worked with Albuquerque teacher Turtle Haste to organize the 2022 workshop that was held over four days in July at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. The workshop focused…

2022 Cosmic Ray & ATLAS Data Workshop

Short URL for this page:   July 26-29, 2022 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM MT daily) Location: New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science, Albuquerque  Agenda Overview:…

2021 Annual Report - QuarkNet@UNM

See attached for the annual report.  Here's a link to a UNM Newsroom article on this year's workshop. 

2021 UNM Workshop @ Explora

Saturday, September 18, 2021 or Sunday, September 19, 2021 Small URL for page: Location: Explora (link to map), Albuquerque, NM Agenda (other than starting time...…

2019 UNM QuarkNet Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

See attached PDF for this center's 2018 annual report.

QuarkNet@UNM, the QuarkNet Center at the University of New Mexico, 2017 Annual Report

/* /*]]>*/ The University of New Mexico joined QuarkNet in Fall 2016.  Our  activities are reflected on our website,  First efforts to install a cosmic ray…