Report on 2017 Summer Workshop

Virtual QuarkNet Center Visit:  Brookhaven National Laboratory:  Physics Department


Host: Helio Takai         Meeting Room 2-84 ,Physics Building,:   August 7-9, 2017

August 7, 2017 am

Antonio:  CERN update accelerator started in May.  Next year, there will be a 2-3 year shut down to fix the detector.  CERN has the coldest place in the Universe.  -2.7 C with liquid Helium.  the silicon trackers are currently fried from the high energy, so the 2-3 year shut down to replace parts.  so the LHC will not take data in 2019 ir 2020.  there will be a high luminosity upgrade in 2024, much farther away.  when the LHC was approved in 1989 the technology of the super conducting quadripole magnets was not invented yet.  so there are plans at CERN 40-50 years out .  They are looking to discover a way for the neutrinos not to create a background problem at higher energy.

CPT        T2K,  charge, parity, time.

weak interaction violates parity.  all electrons were left handed polarized. 0 momentum. active neutrinos are only left handed,

cp violation produces more matter than antimatter. 

solar neutrinos change flavor on their way to us from the sun.  quarks also to mutate and oscillatate.  We may have seen a situation that shows hints of universaility  violations

this decay should be produced in a one to one ration should be chose to 1 to 1 ratio, but it is being violated by 25%.

August 7, 2017 pm

Bs (p subshell) meson decaying to mu+ mu-

                                                                                          +/-  1

bs  (s subshell) meson decaying to e+ e- 

LHC sometimes runs in heavy ion mode. collides gold (RICK) or lead (ALEES).  the study is to see what happens when you put lots of quarks and gluons together. qcd studies show it is not a normal proton and neutron plasma, but it produces a quark and gluon plasma soup. 

Danielle:  What is condensed matter?

Wadness:  masterclass overview started today will continue tomorrow

August 8, 2017 am

am: CMS masterclass overview from Wadness, go through activities that are precursors to masterclass.  Do the mini masterclass activities.

Practice at I-spy and data set organization w histogram on CIMA collection system.

Presentation from Brookhaven teacher group and their experiences/insights with master class.

Presentation from:  Steve Bellavia: The LSST   the power point for this presentation has been made available on the Virtual page.

worlds largest survey telescope, mountain in chile 7000 feet

R = 1.2197 lambda/2A  R is resolution  of smaller objects.  So as aperature is larger in the denominator the resolution decreases to be able to resolve (see clearly) a smaller object.

largest lens ever built largest camera ever built.  focal plane =-100C  ;  electronic boards -40C

this telescope is looking for objects very far away, and looking at the milky way or moon would be too bright and damage the sensitive photocells.

mirrors and lens’ are being produced in the lab under the football field at the University of Arizona.  Many of the large mirrors and lens’ at astronomies across the globe are made here.

 24th magnitude of a single exposure. 

what is lsst going to study? takes snapshots very quickly and covers 1/2 the sky in 3 days.

dark matter, dark energy, supernovae, mapping the milky way (will detect about 10 billion stars), near earth objects (neo).

1998 congress mandates discovery of 90% of all neo > 1000 m in diameter by 2008.  and more

August 8, 2017 pm

Atlas project presentation by Helio Takai

Majority of nuclei coming to earth from outside universe are protons, but they react in our atmosphere and cause showers of particles.  Many pions are produced because they are light and easy to produce.  P zeros produce showers of electrons.  they also dcay to muons then electrons.  detectors are located in mamy places, underground labs, fluorescence detector above ground, ground array of large scintillators, under water or ice, balloons, mariachi project thought that muons could be detected using high energy radar, the telescope was built to detect a muon hit in a high school. 2008 to 2016, it showed more muons in winter contraction of atmosphere makes muons take longer to decay.  the small dips in max pattern can be linked to cme timing within the time of the month.  You can also overlay the data on the atmospheric pressure at specific time of year.  also connected to atmospheric tides of air flow based on warming earth with sunrise. day vs night.  more muons at night and in July.  Data stability and reliability needs a large area array to be visible and data collected year round.

During our time at Brookhaven, we were in the right place at the right time for a special lecture presentation.  Brief outline notes are below.

Sambamurti  Memorial Lecture August 7, 2017

Searching for new parti9cles at the LHC:  CMS Jim Hirschauer   nothing has yet been found smaller than a quark.

success of standard model:  discovery of higgs boson  2012

properties of higgs boson            collect data into 2030

test standard model at high energy                         complete…. sort of

precisely measure properties of sm particles

looking for new particles

particle masses

13 TeV

why use high energy collisions

the collider is like a giant microscope

spatial resolution is limited by wavelength of probe.

each proton has 6.5 Tev of energy but the individual energy of the quarks and gluons inside are unknown.

next goal; discover something new.

standard model (sm) has a few problems

dark matter is not described in sm

theoretical concerns with the calculation of the higgs boson mass

sm does not explain its own structure, it is not as cohesive for example as the periodic table of elements.  The sm is not nearly as elegant and insightful.

planck satellite measured the difference for mass based on rotation.  we know there must be dark ,matter in the center.

supersymetry particles SUSY. gluon has a SUSY particle called Gluino   neutrino has a SUSY partner called neutralino

theorists are trying to connect the potential ability to produce those with a low producton rate.

the gluino may be too heavy too see.  Low production rate of susy particles.  

August 9, 2017 am

Tesla Museum and site experience.  Historical artifacts and sequence of experimental results.  Very interesting presentation by Rich Gearns of Brookhaven.

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