Calculate the Z Mass

Students use conservation laws and vector addition to calculate the Z mass from event displays.
Students use momentum conservation, energy conservation and two-dimensional vector addition to calculate the mass of the Z boson.They gather data from event displays of candidate Z decays from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The eight events from 2010 were chosen carefully; the momenta of the muons from the Z decay were relatively small in the direction along the beam line. Thus these events were nearly two-dimensional in the plane transverse to the beam line. Treating them as two-dimensional gives reasonable results for the mass of the Z. Image Credit: CERN,CMS
Teacher Notes198.98 KB
Student Guide121.59 KB
Student Report16.88 KB
Spanish Language Teacher Notes201.2 KB
Spanish Language Student Notes220.46 KB
45 minutes
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Curriculum Topics