Hypatia-online for IMC

This page will give a procedure for using Hypatia-online in an ATLAS masterclass.  If you decide to use Hypatia-online, please contact Ken Cecire at least several days prior to your masterclass.

Gather what you need online:

You will need a way to collect student data as a text file. The approach we have used so far is:

  • Collect data from students in a Google form
  • Output to a Google sheet
  • Download results as a csv
  • Convert csv to text.
  • Upload to OPloT.

You need the Google form before the masterclass starts. Please copy ATLASform-IMC, publish your copy, and make sure students have access. Notes:

  • You need to be logged into a Google account for this. 
  • Please do not use or edit the original!
  • Make sure students only put in pure numbers for masses and do not include units or any other text.

You also need Hypatia-online, of course. Please share a link or the URL - https://hypatia-app.iasa.gr/Hypatia/ - with the students and teachers.


Use Hypatia-online:

Here is a student procedure:

  • Open Hypatia-online and refer to the image below.
  • Choose the down arrow next to Group (1) and then choose 4000 events from the menu that appears.
  • In the next button (2), where it says 00event0.., choose the down arrow and scroll to find your assigned dataset. The first two digits before "event" are the dataset number. The three digits after are the event number in that set. Choose event 001 in your assigned set. (For example, if you were assigned set 17, scroll down to 17event001.xml and choose it.)
  • Check the box next to pT (3) and set to 10 GeV.
  • Analyze your first event as you would in "regular" Hypatia, then choose Next Event (4).
  • Keep going until you go through 50 events. As you do so, the data you need to submit will appear in a table. Use the form supplied by the masterclass tutors to enter your results manually. (It does not take long.)
  • Bonus: At the top-right, you will find a tool to histogram your own results (5).


Collect results and transfer to OPloT:

Once you have the data and have downloaded it to csv, do these next: 

  • Open the csv (e.g. with Excel) and remove the Time Stamp column. 
  • Save again as csv.
  • Open with a text editor and use Find and Replace to change commas to single spaces.
  • Save as a .txt file.
  • Find your assigned data at the ATLAS page and upload to OPloT as a student "prentending" to use one of your assigned datasets.

You may need to fiddle with things a bit before you get it right. If you want to write your own script to convert csv to txt as needed, that is great.