Get Oriented


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Masterclass orientations help to guide mentors in preparing their teams, including teachers.


Pre-orientation Considerations

There are a few things that need to be done in order to prepare for a successful data measurement experience for students:

  • Ensure that students will have computers with internet access. One computer per two students is recommended for the best experience.
  • As an instructor, participate in an online orientation for the measurement (e. g. CMS, ATLAS, MINERvA, NOvA, ...).
  • Practice the measurement yourself using the practice tools available on the page for your masterclass.
  • Review slides from the measurement pages, and prepare your own introduction for the students to set the tone for the day.
  • Review the rest of this page
  • If you will be doing a video conference, prepare and test your Zoom connection.


Masterclass Orientation

A masterclass orientation can be done online via Zoom or in person with a visit from a QuarkNet staff member or fellow. It is intended for teachers and mentors. Here is what can be covered:

  • Classroom prep for the masterclass
  • Try out a your masterclass measurement
  • Walk-through of masterclass logistics
  • Masterclass Library
  • Zoom test
  • Q&A


Orientations can come in multiple flavors with different durations and organizational schemes. They can range from short updates or introductions to full-day Masterclass Orientation Workshops. Most orientations will be done remotely with a QuarkNet staff member or fellow. Orientation Workshops can be remote or in-person.

Register for Masterclass Orientation on the Google form as early as possible or no less than one week prior to your earliest preferred date. 


Orientation Schedule

Start time in U.S. Central Time (CT) and facilitator in parentheses. (To convert to your time zone, you can use this online tool.) New registrants: we can accommodate days and times not yet shown on this schedule. Zoom channel links will be provided directly to participants.

DateInstitute (Start time)MeasurementComments
22 Feb 2025Drew University (08:00 CT)*CMSWorkshop
22 Feb 2025Kansas State University (09:00 CT)*NOvAWorkshop
26 Feb 2025SURF (11:30 CT)NOvAZoom
01 Mar 2025University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez*MINERvAWorkshop
06 Mar 2025Durham UK (09:00 CT)MINERvAZoom
07 Mar 2025Irvine (12:00 CT)NOvAZoom


* Site visit.